Star Wars by Wes Anderson, a fictional A.I. The trailer has gone viral on the internet.
People used Artificial intelligence to reimagine what Star Wars would look like if Wes Anderson directed it.
However, a fully computer-produced trailer for the hit film Star Wars. American filmmaker Wes Anderson has taken the internet by storm.
Artificial intelligence people used to create tribute content. However, they mimicked Wes Anderson’s signature visual style and reimagined Star Wars.
As per The Hollywood Reporter, the Curious Refuge channel on YouTube shared a clip. He wonders what the hit film would look like if only Wes Anderson had directed it.
Therefore, Titled The Galactic Menagerie, the clip features a lot of traits. People know Wes Anderson for including pastel colours, symmetry, narration, attention to detail, and humour.
A Wes Anderson-Directed ‘Star Wars Trailer

Artificial intelligence continues to cause controversy online. Also, this time Wes Anderson is the latest point of conversation.
The iconic filmmaker er, known for movies like “The Grand Budapest Hotel ”. “The Royal Tenenbaums” is going viral, but not because of his filmmaking. Instead, an A.I.-generated rendition of an Anderson-directed “Star Wars” trailer is making its rounds across social media. Also, the users remain divided on the possibilities of A.I. filmmaking.
The trailer for the faux film, titled “The Galactic Menagerie“, was uploaded to YouTube by the Curious Refuge channel on Friday, April 28. The teaser does its best to replicate the minute details of Anderson’s filmmaking techniques. Also, it includes heavy use of pastel colours, symmetrical angles and deadpan narration.
The AI-generated creation includes a cast of Andergo-costs. It includes Scarlett Johannson, Timotheé Chalamet, Ed Norton and Willem Dafoe.
“The Galactic Menagerie“ trailer has already raked up 350k views on YouTube as of May 1. However, it got millions more views and comments after being subsequently shared on Twitter and other social media platforms. There was a mix of positive and negative comments people shared.
AI art fad has its first full movie trailer

The trailer itself is a fairly crude step up from the original images imagining Wes Anderson’s Star Wars. The movement here is minimal, and it’s mostly just a collection of the same kind of stills that took off in December. Once again, though, Anderson’s visual style proves a perfect target for this kind of pastiche. Because movies often do take this kind of approach, with fixed images or lists of cast members.
But the Curious Refuge trailer does represent a step up in ambition for AI art creators. Also, it suggests the next steps in a rapidly changing field that seems to be generating almost daily controversies and confusion.
Significant legal questions have risen around AI art. It has already filed a class-action suit against AI art bot developers. Also, the U.S. Copyright Off Declared Ring that AI art can’t be copyrighted.
So, anyone could potentially take these pastiches and claim or use them as their own. The step up from individual images to movie trailers might be a different story. The editing and voiceover involving a tree suggests the “human authorship” that the Copyright Office found lacking in individual images.
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