15 Romantic Questins to Ask Your Boyfriend on Valentine's Day

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Valentine day is celebrated every year on 14th February.

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On this day, partners want to spend as much time as possible with each other.

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Along with this, they give gifts to each other and go for a walk.

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When you are with your partner, you can ask him some romantic questions.

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1. What was the moment you knew you were in love with me? 2. How has our love changed you for the better? 3. What's the most romantic gesture you've ever received or done for someone?

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4. What's your idaea of the perfect romantic getaway with me? 5. If you could relive any romantic moment we've shared, which one would it be and why? 6. What's your favourite thing about our relationship?

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7. How do you imagine celebrating Valentine's Day with me in the future? 8. What's one romantic fantasy you've never shared with anyone else? 9. How do you feel our love has grown and deepened since we first met?

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10. What's the most romantic thing someone has ever said to you? 11. How do you define "forever" when it comes to our love? 12. If you could write a love letter to me right now, what would you say?

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13. What's your fondest romantic memory from our time together? 14. How do you express your love for me in everyday actions? 15. What's one thing you want to promise me about our future together?