CBD is a cannabinoid found in marijuana. This is different from THC, which is the psychoactive compound responsible for getting people “high.” CBD is nontoxic and leaves you clear headed. Though studies on the benefits of CBD are still in their preliminary stages, there are some very promising results that indicate people can likely use CBD for a variety of purposes.
Improving Anxiety and Depression
CBD affects the CB1 receptor in the brain. This receptor can help ease feelings of depression, lower blood pressure, and reduce feelings of fear, anxiety, and paranoia. Anxiety and depression were among the most common conditions that CBD users reported treating in a 2018 Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research survey.
CBD also affects how the brain responds to serotonin. This feel-good hormone helps stabilize your mood and create feelings of happiness and well-being. Though CBD doesn’t create serotonin, it can help your brain make better use of the serotonin that it already has, giving a boost to your mood.
Enhancing Sleep

Adults generally need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night to operate at peak efficiency. Research indicates that CBD may be able to help with insomnia, REM sleep behavior disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness disorder. Though the research is still in its preliminary stages, the results are promising. A limited study of four patients with Parkinson’s disease found that CBD dramatically reduced the symptoms of REM sleep behavior disorder. Another study indicated that 160 mg of CBD can successfully increase sleep duration.
Overall, research on CBD use for sleep disorders is still limited, and some preliminary findings suggest that CBD may work best as a short-term solution for improving sleep. Periodically using CBD oil gummies may help you get through periods of sleeplessness.
Relieving Pain
CBD has shown impressive results in pain treatment. The endocannabinoid receptors in the brain respond directly to CBD and help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. CBD has been studied as an effective treatment for cancer pain, fibromyalgia, and neuropathic pain. A 2020 study of patients with pain resulting from brain nerve and spinal cord nerve damage showed a significant reduction in sharp, intense pain with no adverse side effects.
A study on rats with arthritis found that CBD could reduce pain and swelling at the appropriate doses. This study used CBD in gel form, indicating that topical CBD products may be effective for joint and muscle pain.
Treating Migraines
CBD has been studied for use in migraine patients. A 2017 study found that at doses of 200 mg, a compound containing both CBD and THC reduced acute pain by 55%. In another study, this formula reduced migraine attacks by over 40% and reduced the pain intensity of migraines by 43.5%. This CBD/THC combination also helped reduce the severity of cluster headaches by 43.5% in patients who had suffered from migraines as a child.
In patients who did not have migraines at a young age, the treatment offered only a slight decrease in the severity of cluster headaches.
As more research becomes available, it’s likely that a growing number of uses will emerge for CBD products.
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