Just the same as with any other relatively new concept or movement, many people hold various illusions about what they believe veganism to be and, subsequently, what they assume vegans to be like.
So, to debunk these perpetuated lies, continue reading to discover five of the most entirely false myths surrounding veganism.
1. Vegan Food is Expensive
One of the most widely upheld, yet entirely incorrect beliefs is that vegan food is considerably more expensive than those food products containing meat and dairy products.
Whether you are talking about vegan food and ingredients from the local store, or else dining out and treating yourself to vegan food Denver, naturally fresh and vegan-friendly food is significantly cheaper than anything else. Rice, dried fruit, vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts are some of the most affordable base ingredients and, as veganism grows in popularity, plant-based substitutes to meat will decrease in price.
2. Vegans Can Still Eat Honey
Unfortunately, as delicious as the taste of honey undeniably is, the fact is that contrary to popular belief, honey is not vegan.
The process of collecting honey is an exceedingly harmful one to the bees and their hives, with just four hundred and fifty grams of honey taking over three hundred bees over three weeks to produce. Honey, therefore, is not a vegan product because not only is it the product of the labor of bees, but also serves as their primary food source.
3. Vegans Lack Enough Calcium
Calcium is an essential nutrient for human beings, as it is for the majority of animals and, as dairy products are most closely associated with being the primary source, people often mistakenly think that vegans can never get enough calcium into their system.
However, there is a wide variety of different foodstuffs that vegans can consume every day which are all naturally rich in calcium and support a healthy and normal diet for humans, including the following:
- Chickpeas
- Almonds
- Dried Figs
- Apricots
- Tahini
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Dark Leafy Greens
4. Vegans Believe Animals are More Important Than Humans
Although it would be entirely accurate to say that, as a general rule, vegans care about animals more than meat-eaters do, most vegans care about all living things and, therefore, wish for the same welfare and protection rules for animals and humans.
For example, there are always protestors campaigning up and down the United States who are fighting for an end to animal agriculture for the animals involved, as well as the human workers, especially in tanneries and slaughterhouses.
5. Vegans Only Eat Rabbit Food
The fifth and final myth most commonly associated with vegans and veganism is that such individuals survive on a diet of lettuce.
This, like the other myths discussed within this article, is entirely false and there is a myriad of different options for vegans to enjoy a varied, nutritious, and delicious diet whilst sticking to their core values, beliefs and ethical views. These days, there are lots of delicious vegan meals available.
Also read: 7 Interesting Facts About Honey Bees You Might Not Know