If you want to lead a healthy life with blood pressure, then you might have to make several changes in your lifestyle. You also have to follow important things every day to keep the bold pressure normal. Some of the high blood pressure symptoms are pounding feelings in chest, dizziness, light-headedness etc. However, some people may not even know they have high bold pressure as their body would not show any symptoms.
So we might have to be careful to take regular check-up to know about our bold pressure level. So how to lower your blood pressure, here are some of the points that will help you.
1. Lose extra fat
The blood pressure can increase the weight in your body. So being overweight can make breathing difficult that will result in sleep apnea and this will in turn lead to bold pressure. Therefore, losing weight is one of the best ways to keep blood pressure at bay. You can lower the blood pressure of 1 millimetre of mercury by each kilogram of weight you lose. You may also have to watch your waistline because having too much weight in your waist can increase blood pressure.
2. Eating healthy food
People with bold pressure have to intake food high in whole grains. They can also add fruits and vegetables in their diet. Choose foods that are low in dairy as they could increase fat. The eating plan you can follow is DASH which is Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. This will help you to follow a healthy diet.
You can make use of a food diary to write down what kind of foods you can eat and what to avoid. You can also check how much you eat and what daily. More potassium in your diet can decrease sodium on blood pressure. Then when shopping always keep in mind to stick with your diet plan.
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3. Limit the quantity of alcohol
Alcohol taken in limited quantities can be good for health however more of it can harm the body. It can also raise bold pressure too much and will be hard to make the body normal again. So if you like to drink take a few drinks every day. The amount of liquor for women and men varies so why not ask your doctor about it. He or she will say how much your body needs to stay healthy.
4. Quit smoking
The cigarette is the worst enemy for bold pressure. It can rapidly increase blood pressure and damage health. When people quit smoking it quickly makes their blood pressure normal and will prevent any lasting effects on the body.
5. Lower the stress levels
Chronic stress can result in high blood pressure. You have to find out the reason for your stress and try to lessen it. Do the things you love and talk with your friends and family to overcome it. You can also seek the help of a counsellor to reduce stress. You can change some of your outlook in life. For instance, do not expect too much from anyone.
You can also pay attention to the things you can control at the moment and do not be anxious about tomorrow. Say thanks to people who help you and practice giving.
Guide to the blood pressure level
- If you want to know what blood pressure is normal, then the ideal blood pressure level is between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.
- If you want to know what blood pressure is high, then having 140/90mmHg or higher is high bold pressure.
- If you want to know what blood pressure is low, then having 90/60mmHg or lower is low blood pressure.
These are the five natural ways you can follow to keep the Blood pressure levels normal. Check with your doctor now and then if you feel that your blood pressure is high. Never forget to ask for help if you cannot manage alone.
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