Chemistry may seem important in early stages in a relationship however overtime compatibility matters. If your partner does not value the things you consider important in life than there is no compatibility in your relationship. If you always get rid of disagreements by a kiss or a hug and without talking than in some stage everything will burst like a volcano. So compatibility between partners is important in a strong relationship. Here are the seven reasons why compatibility is more important than chemistry in a relationship.
1. Comfortable in a relationship
Do you always put up an act in front of your mate? Then you are not comfortable in the relationship. If you do not want to show the real you to your partner then you are not compatible with your partner. Always trying to impress your partner with sweet words for them to like you is not a good start.
2. Respect
Yes, along with chemistry respect is important in a relationship. Only if two people have respect towards each other will the relationship lasts. Even if there is a disagreement try to be respectful to the views of your partner and listen to what they have to say. It will help you in the long run in the relationship.
3. Similar goals and values
Compatible mates have similar goals and values in life. The partners need not be similar in character but their values and beliefs have to be similar for the relationship to last. They also have to have the same vision for their future. If both travel in different ways then there is no point in being in the relationship. Their outlook on life has to be the same.
4. Not trying to change your partner
A dominating person can try to change their partner by belittling their ideas or views and imposing their own views. This is what happens if there is no compatibility in the relationship. One mate will try to rule the roost every time. But for the relationship to be happy both partners have to have an equal say. They have to put their heads together to make a decision.
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5. Seeing a future together

Do you see your partner in your future? Is he or she with you in your home, going shopping and raising the children? Then these are the things that show you are compatible with your partner. Relationships are not about satisfying physical desires alone. You have to believe that your partner will be there with you in the long run.
6. Free conversations
Do you and your partner talk about everything freely? Can you share everything with your partner? Then this is the type of relationships where the partners are compatible. If you cannot share your feelings freely with your partner, then the relationship is not going anywhere.
7. Admiration and attraction
Do you admire your partner even when they do not look their best? Your partner may be cleaning the house, reading a book or even be in deep thought. Even when doing simple things do they look beautiful to you? If you feel like that then you are in a compatible relationship. You are not simply attracted by their physical beauty but their mind and soul.
These are the seven ways that show that compatibility is more important than chemistry in a relationship. Ask your partner if you want to improve in anything. This will help you to make changes in your character and make your relationship strong.
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