The concern of many women is whether wigs with glue will damage their scalps or not. Even though there are many closure lace wigs that you need to install with glue, some do not need any form of adhesive before installing them. These wigs are known as “glueless wigs.” What are glueless wigs, and why should you choose them?
We will answer these questions and more in this article.
What I A glueless Wig?
Just as the name implies, glueless wigs are wigs that do not need glue or any other form of adhesive to install them. For those that do not like wearing headpieces for a long time, a glueless wig is the best option as you can easily wear and remove it. Some people believe that a glueless wig falls off because there is no form of adhesive to install it. However, this is not so, as closure lace wigs come with straps on them, and you can easily adjust this strap to fit your head perfectly.
Can You Wash Glueless Wig?
Because closure lace wigs have lace on them which could easily make dirt visible on a wig, many people want to know whether you can wash a glueless wig. Yes, you can wash a glueless wig, you only need to be careful with it.
Remember we said you have to be careful while washing your glueless wigs? Here are some steps you should follow:
Step 1: Brush your wig
Whether your glueless wig is a closure lace wig or lace front wigs, you need to brush them before you wash them. This will help you remove major knots in the wigs and give you a smooth run while washing your glueless headpiece.
Step 2: Soak your lace wig
Pour warm water into a large basin enough to soak up the wig, then pour a bit of mild shampoo into the water. After that, you can soak the wig in the water for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Step 3: Gently rub shampoo and give it a rub.
After about 20 minutes, take the wig out of the water and pour the water away. Fill the basin with warm water, and rub your wig with shampoo. Do this gently and thoroughly till it lathers, then twirl it gently in the warm water. If the wig did not lather the first time, you can try this step again.
Step 4: Rinse and condition
Then rinse your wig with cold water to seal up the hair follicles. After that, you can condition your wig to keep it hydrated. Leave the conditioner on the wig for a few minutes, and then rinse it off with cool water. Leave your wig on a wig stand to air dry.
Why Luvmehair?
Now, the question that might be burning in your mind is where can you get a glueless wig? Well, you can get it at luvmehair. Why Luvmehair, you ask? Well, you should shop at Luvmehair because you will get a 100% human hair wig that can last you a long while. Not only that, you will get them at affordable prices as well.
Why Choose Glueless Wig?
There are many reasons why you should go for a glueless wig. Here are a few of them:
Offers natural hairline
One of the benefits of a closure lace wig is that it gives you a natural hairline. This means that the hairline will appear real, and this will help you get various styles from your wig.
Easy to install and remove.
Another reason you should opt for a glueless wig is that it is easy to install and remove. You only need to wear it and adjust the strap at the back to secure it on your head. And you can also remove it when you want to sleep at night without using glue remover of any form.
It offers versatility in styling.
If you love styling your wig in different ways, then a glueless wig is the best option for you. You get to part the bob wig into a center or side parting. You can also style the closure lace wig into a ponytail or half up, half down. With a glueless wig, the styling option is more than enough.
The best option for those with sensitive scalps
There are some people whose scalp is sensitive to glues or any other form of adhesive. This means they get irritation on their scalp whenever they use glue on their scalp. With glueless wigs, you do not need to worry about that as you do not need glue to install them. This offers you comfort at its peak.
Wrapping It Up
The bottom line is that a glueless lace wig is not only easy to wear but also affordable. The best thing is that you can get them in whatever color or style you want at Luvmehair. And this wig suits your various needs such as giving you a natural hairline, helping you with your sensitive scalp as well as covering up any hair loss you might be experiencing.
Also read: Good Headband Wigs for Women