Have you been hurt in a car accident? Do you have medical bills piling up, and don’t know where you’re going to get the money to pay them since you can’t work? Don’t try to negotiate with the insurance company on your own. You need an attorney to represent your best interests. Only an attorney can get you the best settlement, or take your case to trial in front of a jury if that’s what’s necessary. You’ll get more money in the end if you have a good attorney.
But how can you tell whether a car accident attorney is any good or not? You should meet with several personal injury lawyers in your area, and be sure to ask them the right questions so you can determine whether they have the skills and experience you’re looking for and whether you think you can work together for the long haul. The answers to the following questions will help you tell a good lawyer from a bad.
How Much Experience do You Have Practicing Personal Injury Law?
You want to work with an attorney that has at least several years of experience working on personal injury cases. It’s one thing if you’re working with more junior attorneys who don’t have as much experience, but are supported by more senior lawyers who do have that experience. It’s another thing if not even the attorneys in charge of the firm have much experience with personal injury law.
Do You Specialize in Car Accident Cases?
Personal injury lawyers are highly specialized. Some only litigate dog bite cases, for example, while others mainly litigate slip and falls. It’s best to go with an attorney that specializes in car accident law, or, if your accident involves a semi truck, truck accident law.
How Many Cases Have You Taken to Trial?
Your attorney will try to negotiate a settlement before taking your case to trial, and will only go to trial if you can’t reach an agreement with the insurance company about your settlement amount. However, you don’t want an attorney who will settle your case just to get it over with and get paid. You want an attorney who will put in the work to get you every penny you deserve, even if that means taking the case to a jury trial. Choose an attorney who has experience taking cases to court. Ask your Grand Junction car accident lawyer about his or her track record of winning judgments for past clients, and what some of their biggest judgments were.
How Will You Handle Payment?
Many personal injury attorneys work on contingency. That means their payment is contingent on getting successful outcomes for their clients. Most people also take it to mean that you won’t have to pay anything if you lose your case, but you should clarify this point. Often, contingent payment means that you won’t pay for any of the lawyer’s work if you don’t win, but you could still be held responsible for secondary costs, like court filing fees or payments to expert witnesses. Make sure you understand the lawyer’s fee structure before you commit.
How Will You Communicate with Me?
You want to work with an attorney who is responsive and able to communicate with you using your preferred methods. Pay attention to how responsive lawyers are from the first time you contact them. Do they return your calls promptly? Are they able to explain complex ideas so you understand them? Do they listen to you and take you seriously? A good lawyer must have strong communication skills, and the right lawyer for you will be one you can feel comfortable working with.
Do You Get Referrals from Other Lawyers?
One of the easiest ways to tell whether a lawyer is any good or not is to ask what percentage of their clients come to them via referral from other attorneys. Other attorneys know which lawyers are good at their work and which are not. They wouldn’t jeopardize their own reputations by referring clients to bad lawyers.
Can I Speak with Some Past Clients?
A good lawyer will be happy to share references from past clients. You can also look up a lawyer’s reviews online, on websites like Avvo.com or even Google or Facebook. Positive reviews and references will tell you that other clients have been satisfied with an attorney’s work.
When you need a car accident lawyer, it’s really important that he or she be the best lawyer you can find. Don’t just hire the first lawyer you talk to. Take your time to consult with several attorneys and dig into their backgrounds to find one you can really trust.
Also read: What are Personal Injury Lawyers? Do I need them?