The Scarlet Speedster has crashed into CinemaCon. At the annual convention of movie theatre owners in Las Vegas on Tuesday night. “The Flash,” a DC Comics superhero movie starring Ezra Miller. It was shown to a most excited crowd.
Warner Bros. and DC executives billed “The Flash” as “one of the best superhero movies ever made” before it came out. Even though it didn’t meet those sky-high expectations. So, the finished product got a lot of cheers, laughs, and maybe even a few tears from the crowd at Caesars Palace. But CinemaCon is not even close to the Cannes Film Festival. There are movie theatre owners from all over the world in the crowd at the Colosseum. So they have a vested interest in the success of the movie.
The Flash Movie Just Spoiled a Big Batman Easter Egg

After countless delays, it’s beginning to feel like Warner Bros.’ long-gestating The Flash movie is never actually going to see the light of day. But the studio wants to keep the hype train rolling anyway. WB has just unveiled new footage from The Flash at this year’s CinemaCon. Also, the big focus is (unsurprisingly) the return of Michael Keaton as Batman. The promo even shows Keaton back in the Batsuit for the first time since 1992’s Batman Returns.
The audience attending the Las Vegas event was also treated to glimpses of Wayne Manor, “iconic” Batsuits from the hero’s past. Also, the new Batcycle is described as being like the Batpod from The Dark Knight films. Also, with two wheels at the front, according to IGN. The footage also shows Keaton’s Bruce living like a recluse inside his mansion. As long hair and a beard now adorning his aged face. It sounds like times have been tough for the Batman of the Burtonverse of late. Perhaps a young speedster from another DC universe will convince him to relive the good old days.
Michael Keaton Says He Returned as Batman in ‘The Flash’ to See ‘If He Can Pull That Off

Michael Keaton returned as Batman in “The Flash” because the actor saw it as a challenge to see “if he can pull that off.”
“Frankly, in the back of my head, I always thought, ‘I bet I could go back and nail that motherf—er,’” Keaton told The Hollywood Reporter in a wide-ranging interview.
Keaton returned to the role of Batman after nearly 30 years. He appeared alongside Ezra Miller in Warner Bros.’ “The Flash.”
The plot of “The Flash” will introduce general audiences to the idea of the multiverse. One of the core concepts underpinning DC Comics. For the non-fanboy set, the multiverse refers to a shifting number of alternate universes that coexist within the larger reality depicted in DC comics. Created to explain various contradictory changes the company’s characters experienced over decades. So, it allows several different versions of the same characters to simultaneously exist and, occasionally, interact.