Do you stare at the blank PowerPoint slide? Can you choose the right PowerPoint slide design to make your presentation stand out? Your message is the beginning, but your presentation design will make your message stand out. Visually leading your audience through your slides is important. This article can help you to decide better for your presentation design ideas. Keep reading.
Use PowerPoint themes already created by Microsoft PowerPoint
You can select from various pre-installed presentation themes in your Microsoft PowerPoint. It reduces the time it takes to select PowerPoint slide ideas. The presentation template can be edited and customized to your specifications. Even though they don’t provide all the details necessary to help you edit, these templates can be useful as a starting point.
A picture is worth a thousand phrases. One video is a billion
Visuals can be even more effective than words. Visuals can be simple pictures, graphs, charts, or videos that help the audience grasp the point and support the message.
You can convert your slideshow to a video by clicking on the slide to go to the next one. You can convert your PowerPoint presentation into a video by using the “Record” option (in the Record Tab) in PowerPoint.
Integrate the core design principles
Creating a PowerPoint presentation requires the presenter to ensure that the design elements are appealing and attract attention. This includes many factors, such as alignment, color combinations, and charts and graphs. Fonts, animations, and transitions are all important. Design is science. It involves psychological principles. Every line style, font, color, and graphic used in your slides will influence the message you want to convey to the audience.
Plan a Call to Action (CTA)
Your audience should have a purpose for the presentation and a direction in which they can work towards it. Your presentation should include calls to action. These phrases will inspire and motivate your audience and help them realize that they can take the steps they need.
Ask the experts
A long slide will make people turn off their phones and switch to their smartphones. It is important to use as few words as possible to convey as much information.
1. The 1-6-6 Rule
One of the few generalized rules is the 1-6-6 Rule. It suggests that each slide should have one main idea, six bullet points maximum, and six words per bullet point. This Rule can also be referred to as the 1-5-5 Rule or the 1-7-7 law. This Rule can be used to suit your needs.
2. Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 Rule
Guy Kawasaki is a modern design evangelist. He said that the average person could not keep up with more than 10 concepts during a meeting. A presentation should not exceed 10 slides and be no longer than 20 minutes in length. Fonts should not be smaller than 30 points. Guy Kawasaki coined this Rule, which professional presenters use to prepare and design their presentations.
How do I make a PowerPoint template?
1. Open PowerPoint on your Mac or PC and create a new presentation.
2. Click “Design” at the top of your window to choose a theme or slide size. To customize your theme, click on the Format Background button to the right.
3. Navigate to Slide Master > View tab. You will see your master slide when you open the “View” tab. This allows you to use it to create other slides.
4. You can now edit multiple things in your PowerPoint presentation. You can experiment with different settings and buttons until you find the right theme.
How can you enable PowerPoint design idea on?
- Open your PowerPoint presentation.
- Click the File Menu
- Select Options
- Move to the General tab
- Use the design ideas tab to get design suggestions.
Why is PowerPoint design so essential?
1. Visually Engaging
A well-designed PowerPoint presentation can help make your content more interesting. Microsoft Office offers a design ideas tool that can be used to enhance your PowerPoint presentation. However, you might want to download a beautiful PowerPoint template for the best results.
Your PowerPoint presentation may contain the most valuable information, but if the viewer cannot look at each slide and interact with it, the entire presentation will lose value.
2. Shows your effort
It shows that you care about your audience by using PowerPoint design ideas. Perhaps you’re completing an assignment for college and part of your grade will be based on the design and layout of your presentation.
You may be presented to gain a promotion or a new position, and you want to show that you took the time to prepare your presentation. No matter what your situation, using the PowerPoint design ideas tab will help you get the best slide layout.
3. It tells a story
Selecting the right PowerPoint designer in the design tab will help your information tell a story. PowerPoint design ideas can bring your words to life and provide visual storytelling to go with your information. PowerPoint Designer is a great way to improve your presentation. It will only work if you have a stable internet connection.
Want to elevate your presentation? Check out these amazing PowerPoint templates you can get for free as part of your introductory offer.
4. Supports your content
PowerPoint design ideas are a great way to support your content. You can access PowerPoint design ideas to get design suggestions specific to your slides. The PowerPoint Designer section uses algorithms to determine the best PowerPoint options. They then show them in the designer pane.
No matter what slide layouts you choose, the PowerPoint design ideas can be used to match them.
There are many ways to find the best PowerPoint design ideas. You can use our demonstrated instruction or PowerPoint templates, depending on your needs. These PowerPoint slide design ideas will result in a more engaged audience who will remember every word you say. These suggestions are exactly what you need to improve your presentation.
Also read: Presentation Skills and Tips to Leave A Lasting Impression