Can Dog eat pesto? This is one of the million-dollar questions inquired by several pet aficionados. If you are looking forward to knowing if your dog can eat pesto. Probably, you are at the right place. Every dog owner wants their dogs to look healthy and strong. Therefore, they assume everything they eat including pesto is also healthy for their dogs. Nonetheless, what is the reason behind dog-eating pesto? To answer this question, we’ve done intensive research and compiled a detailed post expounding on the top secrets you must know this year about pesto and its side effects on dogs.
Pretty cool, right? Let’s get started:
What is Pesto?
Pesto is a sauce primarily made of crushed garlic, basil leaves, coarse salt, European pine nuts, and hard cheese for instance Pecorino Sardo or Parmigiano-Reggiano all mixed with olive oil. Generally, pine nuts and olive oil have a higher amount of calories due to the increased level of fat content in them.
A higher amount of fats in our body often elicit lethal conditions in our body such as obesity, heart diseases, and more which when not treated early might lead to death. As a result, its popularity among humans might not augur well when the sauce is given to your dogs.
Can Pesto hurt your Dog?
Pesto is typically deemed unsuitable to a dog by vet veterans and specialists in this field. Therefore, the sauce is considered unsafe for dogs because it contains ingredients such as cheese or oil, garlic which are fatal to the health of your pet.
That’s to means: this sauce lacks any beneficial value to your dog compared to human beings. In fact, garlic contains complex compounds that directly cause harm to your pet’s red blood cells that might eventually lead to anemia.
Signs of anemia include:
- Red Urine
- Lack of appetite
- Weakness
- Pale gums
- Fainting
- Dog’s inability to balance
On the other hand, pine nuts might be safe when given in small quantities to your dog. In the case your pet eats pesto, the following health issues might be witnessed in your dog:
- Seizures
- Rapid breathing
- High fever
- Diarrhea
- General body weakness.
Fortunately, the following points might help you when your dog eats pesto.
What step should you take when your dog eats pesto?
For the first-time, you might be apprehended what action to implement when your dog accidentally tastes the sauce. Don’t worry, it might happen to everyone. Here is what you should do when your dog eats pesto:
- Reach out to vet expert
- Examine any health issues witnessed in your dog
- Check the amount of garlic ingested
In Conclusion
Dogs are the most essential pets to have at our homesteads. They provide you with utmost security, company and can help you with house choirs when trained properly.
Also, maintaining their health by giving them healthy foods is paramount. However, not every food such as pesto you eat might be healthy for your dog. Pesto contains a toxic compound that might elicit health issues when your pet accidentally eats the sauce.
To keep your dog safe, always read the ingredients label on the type of food you want to buy Credible source for your dog.
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