We have some assistance for the many parents who are currently struggling to find activities to keep their kids occupied on the days they would typically be at school. Building a blanket fort can add hours of fun to the day when we are all stuck at home with nothing to do. Forts are fun for kids and adults alike. Transforming it into a time machine, a movie theatre, a quiet area, a secret lair, or whatever else your mind can conjure up.
A good old-fashioned blanket fort has a certain allure and mystique since it can be transformed into anything its occupant wishes it to be.
Things You will Need:
- Blankets
- Couch cushions
- Sheets
- Chairs
- Pillows
- String/twine
- Lights
- Tape
- Clothespins or other types of fasteners
- Space
- Sleeping bags, mattress
- Whatever else you want to use
- Imagination
Tips to Know How to Make A Blanket Fort At Your Home

1. Choose A Suitable Location or Create One
This is the first and most crucial step because if you begin constructing the fort in an undesirable or inadequate area of space, it might not reach its full potential and might even be a little claustrophobic inside. Reposition items and move furniture out of the way.
Remember that if you bring it inside the fort, you may want it to have a view of the television or find a means to power it. Streaming music, books, and movies on tablets is a terrific method to save time and prevent tripping over cords.
2. Counterbalance
To prevent the fort from becoming unbalanced or from crumbling under strain, any weight placed on one side must be balanced by weight placed on the opposite side. This means that the top should be covered with lightweight blankets or sheets because heavier items will weigh it down. Also, heavier blankets trap more heat because there is so much body heat inside. If extra weight is required, books are helpful.
3. Internal and External supports
When attempting to build a large fort, this rule is very relevant. The construction will be more stable if you tie blankets or other fort materials to door frames, walls, etc. The top blanket might be tied to a string that is then connected to a ceiling fan to provide support from the outside (KEEP THOSE TURNED OFF during fort time).
An appropriately situated chair or table within the fort can be useful. One cool trick is to span the room with a clothesline, using it as the primary support from the outside or as a support for an open front. There are many options here.
4. Pillows

In a fort made of blankets, pillows have various uses. They first increase the level of comfort. Second, they can cover any gaps near the floor, on chairs, etc. to block off the light and maintain the fort magic within. Additionally, they are a crucial component in pillow battles, frequently inside blanket forts.
5. Make It Stylish
This fort is where you find happiness. Thus it should be lovely. Never be hesitant to include twinkling lights, a strobe light, flowers, or other decorations. Go ahead and add whatever you want to make it truly you; this is a blank canvas, and you are its Picasso.
6. Fasteners
We’ll tell you what you’ll need if you want the fort to last longer than five minutes. Get imaginative and use what you have here; it’s acceptable. clothespins, tape, duct tape, belts (normal or robe), chip bag clips, magnets, string, twine, pillowcases, rubber bands, etc. Before you begin searching, you can never tell what might be faster.
7. Numerous Blankets
You first need enough to build the fort and soft materials for the floor. The floor isn’t exactly soft and pleasant, which is a problem because forts are fantastic for sprawling out and reading, listening to music, watching a movie, having a tea party, or hiding from your brother. Seriously, you need to use a lot of everything – blankets, sheets, sleeping bags, beach towels, etc.
8. Use Everything

We really think that if you’re going to do anything, you should do it correctly, and when it comes to blanket forts, it includes making use of all of the resources available to you. Allow yourself to see the possibilities around you by hanging blankets from the couch, using the kitchen chairs, moving the bookcase, and using the wall. Commit to the idea that you are creating this incredible fort.
9. Fun times
Have pleasure creating it, enjoying it when you are inside, and enjoying it when you are destroying it. Keep things light, share the space, and just enjoy the fact that you are having fun while lounging in a blanket fort since that is what blanket forts are all about.
On A Wrap
Did you know there are competitions for creating blanket forts for adults and children? What is your preferred method for creating a blanket fort? Make sure to share images of your fort with us! Have any amazing suggestions to contribute to our advice?
Also read: Tips for Choosing a Weighted Blanket