We all have heard time and again that ‘Smoking is Injurious to Health’ – before movies, on poster boards, next to the roads and even in books. Then why is it so hard for us to dissociate from the habit? According to the CDC, many attempt to quit smoking, but only 6% smokers (1) are able to quit smoking successfully; because nicotine is a very addictive substance, hard to get rid of.
Here is what a lot of smokers do when they attempt to quit smoking. Their first instinct is to Google for answers. It presents you with multiple solutions – self-control, distraction, vaping and nicotine gums (success rates <8%) (2). If only quitting was that easy! Having tried these, a smoker may still relapse.
The reason is quite simple – the root cause is the inability to dissociate with the habit of smoking. It always comes back – like a rush – taking over your sanity and senses. While most techniques only focus on the chemical addiction, they don’t address the psychological dependency that smokers have on cigarettes.
QuitSure, the world’s fastest growing quit smoking app, has a very high success rate of 71% (based on a 6 month research study). Smokers can take their first step towards a smoke-free life permanently, and mind you, that too willingly. A 6-day app-based personalized program, QuitSure simplifies the process of quitting smoking by raising positive consciousness in the mind of the user.
“If you want to transform your life, start with reprogramming your mind”, is the motto on the basis of which QuitSure was created.
The program follows a strict no fear, no guilt approach! It uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), positive psychology, mindfulness techniques, and powerful tools to remove mental addiction. QuitSure app is your one-stop quit smoking therapist. It has been created on the principles of the best working psychological techniques with success rates as follows – CBT (50-55% success rate) (3) , Consultations (37% success rate) (4) and Hypnosis (14-25% success rate) (5).
CBT is a psychological treatment that is evidence-based and focuses on identifying and changing maladaptive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that cause, worsen, and/or maintain a variety of problems (such as depression, anxiety, addiction, etc.). Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment with an open and accepting attitude. Practicing mindful smoking is something that has to be done repeatedly to ensure that it has a deeper impact at a subconscious level.
Available in 150+ countries, what makes QuitSure unique and effective is that it uproots the desire to smoke; By reading and listening to the daily sessions and practicing the mental exercises given at the end of each day. These exercises influence the way you feel about smoking, navigating you towards a smoke-free life.
You can always talk to the coach assigned to you or their bustling community of 25k+ members (the second largest quit smoking facebook support group) who are willing to help you towards a nicotine-free life.
Want to know how and why QuitSure works? By using behavioral science and mindfulness in its content and exercises, it trains a smoker’s mind to understand exactly how smoking addiction works. It puts smokers in the right mindset and makes them happy about quitting. With an additional set of tools and a strong support network, the program educates you about the reasons behind your triggers and cravings, and how to deal with them.
And the best part of it all is – ‘You DO NOT have to quit immediately. It asks to continue smoking during the program and QUIT ONLY WHEN YOU ARE READY.’
This method is the easiest, quickest, cheapest, and most effective quit smoking method out there. So, without any doubt, you can use it to alter your life. And if you don’t succeed, they provide a 100% refund.
Here is what a user of QuitSure has to say –
“The program is well designed and the content is well researched which makes you feel good about giving up the smoking habit (no matter how old it is). The program also handles the craving part successfully. I would not have been able to quit smoking so easily without this app (program). I would recommend it to anyone who really wants to quit smoking.” – Sherry.
Quitting smoking is a gift to yourself, not just to improve your lifestyle and health, but also to save your pocket. When you choose to live a smoke-free life, you are not just saving money spent on cigarettes and improving your skin, heart and lung health, but are also helping save the environment. It reduces carbon footprint and keeps the air clean. You will also not be generating cigarette butts, preventing the leaching of harmful chemicals into the soil.
QuitSure is definitely a trailblazer in the quit smoking universe. When an app shows great success rates, it will raise some questions in the minds of people like ‘Does this even work?’ or ‘6 Days? How is this even possible?’
Well, why don’t you try it yourself? This one of a kind app works, and that is confirmed. It is so effective that once a smoker quits, they would not experience the craving to smoke, even if they look at a cigarette! So what are you waiting for? It is time to go smoke-free with QuitSure’s psychology based program. A transformed life awaits you!
- https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/p0824-tips-campaign-quit-smoking.html
- https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240039308
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19392908/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29890766/
- https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD001008.pub3/full
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