All our wizards and witches at Hogwarts Legacy will enjoy a 24-hour day and night! Hogwarts Legacy has an extensive main quest line, optional side missions, and a Day and Night Cycle that the user may change on a whim.
You’ll want to know how to fast-forward time in Hogwarts Legacy when your anticipation for the next lesson becomes too much to bear.
And you can only find “Demiguise statues” (a special collectible) after dark. Until it’s necessary for major objectives, the game doesn’t explain how to fast-forward time, so it’s best to figure it out on your own.
The time of day will instantly switch from darkness, allowing you to go on to the next task on your quest list.
Even though you’re eager to move on to the next major mission in Hogwarts Legacy, you should take some downtime to learn about and experiment with every spell in the game.
But we know how important it is to get started on your coursework, so here’s what we discovered while playing Hogwarts Legacy to help you advance your time.
Time-skipping and advancement in Hogwarts Legacy

The main Map screen is where players will go to progress or skip time in Hogwarts Legacy. To accomplish this, press the pause button and go to the “Map” menu. To fast forward in games on the PS5 or Xbox Series X, players may use the right analog (R3) stick to control the action.
Daily and nightly cycles are used to measure the passage of time. If you fast forward during the day, you’ll reach night, and if you wait until night, you’ll reach daylight. The Functionality to advance hour by hour is not available.
You may also automatically move to the appropriate time of day or night by going to the quest marker and pressing either “Square” or “X” if the task in question requires you to wait until either day or night.
You should definitely do this often if you want to progress through the plot of Hogwarts Legacy since several courses and teachings are time-sensitive. You may also do this if you have more fun exploring at a certain time of day.
Remember that different tasks will each have their unique day and time cycle. This means you will be forced to wait if you accept a quest that needs you to do so, even if you have already completed the prerequisites.
If you need to wait for a quest to begin, the game will automatically switch to the appropriate time of day when you arrive at the area (or interact with the item, speak to the character, etc.) that triggers the quest.
And with that, all the information players need to know about progressing through time has been covered! If you are interested in more guides, some are provided below for your convenience.
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