Choosing to wear heels can be an empowering but difficult decision. You need to make sure that you are finding exactly the right pair so you can keep them on your feet as long as possible. Too many of us make the mistake of buying a pair of heels that aren’t right for us.
Here are some of the ways you can make your heels work for you.
1. Pick Comfortable Heels

One of the first choices you can make is with the right set of heels. It is easier than you think to pick a pair that is completely unsuitable, even if they look like these. First of all, you should choose a set of well-made heels like these. Choosing a pair of well-made shoes will be much better for your feet as they will be made from high-quality materials.
You should also opt for a wider heel. This will distribute your weight more evenly and it means that you should be able to wear the shoes for much longer as your feet won’t get so tired. Remember, blocky heels or wedges will always be more comfortable than stilettos.
2. Wear Your Shoes In

Once you have found the perfect pair of shoes, you need to make sure that they are properly worn in. This is crucial as it will stop your feet hurting and could prevent the sensitive skin at the back of your heels from getting damaged.
The best way to wear your shoes is to wear them. There are a few ways to speed up to process, but that can also carry the risk of damaging the shoes. For example, if the back of your shoes is particularly tough, you may want to break the leather so it fits against your foot better. If you feel like the shoes are overly slippy, you could also try to rough them up in some way so they have a better grip.
However, all of this will damage your shoes. If your shoes are particularly expensive or well-loved, you may wish to avoid doing this to protect them as best as you can. The best way to wear your shoes in will always be to simply wear them.
3. Build Up Wear

However, when wearing your shoes in, it is important to also give them enough time. Many people leave buying their heels until last when shopping for an outfit for a special occasion. However, they should, in fact, be one of the first things you buy. This will give you all the time you need to wear them in. Try wearing your heels for just a little bit each day. Doing so means that you will be able to increase the time spent wearing them overall. Many people also make the mistake of thinking that they will be able to keep the heels on for as long as they need to, only to give up part the way through the day.
If you know that you are going to have to have the heels on your feet for a long length of time, make sure you practice beforehand. Build up your wear little by little each day until you are confident that you can wear your shoes for even longer.
Making heels work for you is going to take effort on your part, but most of all it is also going to take a lot of time. You need to make sure that you are spending some time beforehand ensuring that you spend plenty of time preparing the shoes before a big event, or even just for everyday wear. Then you can know that your heels will always work for you, no matter what style they might be!
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