Louis Vuitton is one of the most popular brands for buying handbags, shoes, goggles, etc. Fashionistas love to have Louis Vuitton bags when they plan to go out. The classic look and design of the bag with the ‘LV’ monogram pattern makes it recognizable among others that it is a branded bag. Thus, no need to say that it is an iconic brand that you should have for a luxurious look. So many people are much familiar with these bags, but they fail to recognize a fake Louis Vuitton bag looking similar to that LV bags. Unfortunately, it is not so simple for you to differentiate between fake and real LV bags.
With its luxury look, celebrity endorser brand, and high price, most people wanted to have this bag in their hands for sure. Unfortunately, this demand for this brand made some manufacturers produce fake bags looking similar to Louis Vuitton bags.
So, people are confused about how to choose the right branded bag for them among these fake bags. Thus, to help them, this article will speak about ideas to differentiate a fake LV bag from the real one.
Tips for Spotting a Fake Louis Vuitton Bag
Here are some details that you need to consider for finding out the fake Louis Vuitton bag.
1. Consider the Monogram Pattern

Louis Vuitton’s monogram pattern is the first thing that you should notice in these bags. It is a signature pattern that the brand prints in a unique way. The bag will have ‘LV’ patterns along with a quatrefoil design around this pattern. So, this monogram pattern is the easiest way to spot the fake LV bag. In branded bags, you will never have a crooked or cut-off design of the monogram pattern, especially at the center of the bag. The classic branded bag comes with a monogram ‘LV’ pattern along with three different quatrefoil designs. You can these designs repeat in the same order in the branded bag.
But fake bags will not follow all these strict design patterns and thus, you can easily spot the fake bags. Sometimes, the branded classic bag is manufactured using one continuous piece of leather. In such a situation, the pattern may come upside down on one side of the bag. So, never consider such a pattern as the sign of fake LV bags.
2. Have a Look at Lining
Louis Vuitton bags come with different lining options that are even dozens available. It is not like a brand, Chanel but comes with different linings. Some of them come with a micro monogram pattern, leather, canvas, or microfiber suede. The best thing is that you can do some research about the product before buying it.
Fake LV bags will not come with a proper interior or good quality one. But you will find the difference in the original LV bags with a top-quality interior. Thus, have a look at the interior before buying the bag.
3. Check for Stitching Pattern

Stitching is another parameter that you can use to find out the fake Louis Vuitton bag in the market. It is much truth in this case of Louis Vuitton, as much importance is given to the line of stitching. The first thing is that stitching in your bag should deliver a flawless look. There should not be any unevenness, loose stitches, odd spacing, etc found on your bag. Moreover, the branded LV bag will have the same number of stitches on both sides of the bag without any variation.
The next aspect is the thread color that you see on the bag. In a branded bag, you will see mostly mustard yellow color or brown color stitching thread. But ensure that you will not see any dark yellow or other colors of stitching thread. If you notice such a stitching line on your bag, obviously it will not be a real Louis Vuitton bag.
4. Concentrate on Stamping and Lettering
Stamping and lettering are other factors that let you decide on whether the Louis Vuitton handbag is legit. Some manufacturers are experienced in designing the brand’s font in the right way. So, you need to be careful about checking the brand’s font on the product.
Based on the professional, Lollipuff, some important points will help you to recognize the main Louis Vuitton stamp. Here are such differences that you see in the real LV bag.
- The L’s tail will be very short.
- Coming to the letter ‘O’, it is very round and delivers a bigger look than L.
- The T’s should touch each other or should look closer.
- Coming to the lettering, it should be thin, crisp, and clear.
- Have a look at the general font used and check for its alignment.
5. Have a Look at Handles
Most people forget to have a look at the handles of the bag. At first, you should touch and sense the feel. It should be soft and smooth leather that will change in color with aging. In a real bag, the handles are trimmed to provide a soft edge which may get darker over time. However, you find a bright red or some painted dark colors on the handle trim, which is a fake one.
6. Close Look at Zippers
Zippers are another parameter that you need to look after for understanding the real bag. Over the zipper pull, you will see Louis Vuitton’s signature monogram. You can see it precisely on the zipper pull and check for the change of font or pattern of the brand. So, the first thing is to check the brand monogram for Louis Vuitton zipper real Vs. fake difference.
The next thing is checking the quality of the zipper. It should open and close smoothly without any hindrance. There should not be any unevenness or loose threads over the zippers’ stitching. A red flag is a kind of zipper that is harder to close and you can find them in fake bags.
These were some of the factors that let you find out the difference between the real and fake Louis Vuitton bags.
Also read: 9 Different Uses of Pouch Bags During Travel That You will Love