The world of dating has changed a whole lot in the past few decades. It’s something that’s always in flux and everyone else has to keep up with it. Just think about relationships from before the 1950s. They barely existed outside of marriage. Men and women were expected to decide on who to marry before they even spent time dating. In fact, a lot of those relationships were set up by the people’s parents, giving them no say in them at all.
Fast forward to the 1950s era and things are totally different. Now you have to deal with a whole new subset of adults in the world. These people are called teenagers and they never existed before this decade. People were simply considered children until they hit their early teens, then they were adults.
Teenagers brought about a totally different way of dating in which guys and girls chose each other and spent time with different people before ever deciding to settle down with someone. This way of dating persisted until recent times when hooking up became the name of the game. When you can read entire articles about being an ethical hook up in Teen Vogue then you know that it’s part of the culture.
Everyone Hooks Up

The simple fact is that pretty much everyone hooks up at some point. There are people who hook up for a short period of their lives then there are people who only want to hook up. They never want to deal with a full-on relationship and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. There’s a whole article on hook-up culture on to check out and see what it’s really all about.
That can only mean that there’s nothing really wrong with it. If both men and women are okay with having casual se*x then it can’t be much of a problem. No one is entering into it without knowing exactly what’s going on. Neither person is lying to the other, and that’s what really matters.
If you find yourself pretending to want a real relationship when you just want to hook up then you’re going to run into problems. If you can manage to be honest about what you’re actually after then you can hook up without any fear of being unethical about it. Being on the same page is all it takes to have fun without worrying about it at all.
Everyone Likes it Differently
When you’re hooking up with strangers all of the time then you can be sure that you’re going to experience a whole lot of different things. Everyone out there likes something different and you never know what you’re going to find out about yourself. Trying new things is the best possible way to find out what you’re into and what you want to avoid.
This woman spends all of her time having phone se*x (and se*xting) with strangers and she’s always doing something new. If you love to experiment with different ways of having phone se*x then there’s no better way to go about it than by having it with strangers. There’s nothing wrong with spending time with different people based on what you want to do.
If you like to hike then you probably have certain friends that you do it with, then other friends that you game with. It’s the same exact thing with hooking up and having phone se*x. If you want to do different things then you have to play with different people. That’s why you never have to worry about it all being ethical. It’s just a matter of what you want to do.
Be Open to New Experiences

There’s almost nothing worse than not knowing what you’re into when it comes to having phone se*x. You’re never going to have that experience that leaves you fully satisfied unless you know what you’re into. You’re also never going to give someone else the experience they really deserve if you don’t have anything to go off of. That’s why it’s necessary to do it with different people.
Visiting a site like Arousr is the best way to make sure you’re always trying something new. It’s filled with people who know all about phone se*x and what they enjoy. They’re always happy to introduce someone new to their desires and kinks. If there’s something you want to try out then all it takes is a few clicks to make it happen.
Once you start exploring what you’re into with someone new then you can get a good idea if you can really enjoy it or not. That’s the first step to getting really good at it and being able to share it with other people. Play with strangers and you’ll always find new things to like about phone se*x.
Also read: 11 Fullproof Ways of Finding Casual Se*x on Ashley Madison