For everyone, it seems natural to offer mourning flowers on the occasion of a death. Indeed, it is a way of paying homage to the deceased or of being represented. Offering flowers to funerals has become a tradition in Singapore. What is the meaning of the act of depositing funeral flowers?
This symbolic gesture is intended to pay tribute to the deceased and to show sympathy to the family but not only.
The meaning of Funeral flowers
Flowers have a language. If we all know that roses are a sign of love, and that their color evokes different feelings, other flowers also have meaning.
They are the last sign of respect that we show to the deceased. The choice of flowers is therefore important, so as not to make a mistake.
The importance of funeral flowers
In Singapore, offering flowers is an integral part of the funeral rite. They are a proof of love towards the deceased, but also a mark of support towards his family. The flowers show that we accompany loved ones in their mourning, and that we share it.
Pay homage to the deceased in a personal way and support the family
Not everyone has the opportunity to say goodbye to the missing person. Offering flowers to funerals allows you to formulate feelings towards her. When words are insufficient or too poor, flowers give the opportunity to express emotions of the unspeakable order.
Today, the relatives of the deceased are increasingly opting for a floral composition of mourning in agreement with his tastes and personality. Flowers actually represent a true decodable language depending on the variety, color and shape when it comes to a composition.
Finally, flowers also have the role of ’embellish the ceremony dominated by dark colors that reflect the sadness of loved ones. They send condolence flowers in Singapore with a message of hope and support to the family that life goes on.
Being represented by flowers
It is not always possible to travel for funerals. Flowers can serve as a message to pass to the family to express their support.
As often, it is interesting to play on colors to match one’s feelings to the personality and tastes of the deceased. It is generally advisable to opt for bright colors for strong feelings of love or vivid memories, for pastel colors for more discreet and restrained feelings.
Shapes are just as important: classic forms (bouquets, crowns), showy forms (stands, sheaves) to mark his message.
The gesture of offering flowers therefore softens both the pain of those who cannot attend the funeral but also the pain of the bereaved. The flowers bear witness to a life that continues according to everyone’s beliefs, beyond for the deceased, and on Earth for those who attend the farewell ceremony. Finally, what symbol of life more bright than flowers?
What accompanying message can I write for my funeral flowers?
Writing the message that accompanies flowers to a bereaved person or family can be more complicated than it seems. Indeed, faced with the pain of our loved ones, we may be afraid to write a message that will do more harm than good to the people who read it. Remember that when a message is written kindly, there is very little chance that it will be taken wrong.
However, if writing yourself worries you or you just don’t know what to write about the condolence card that will accompany your flowers, we offer you some models and examples to find the right words. Thus, you will be able to express, depending on your situation, the feelings you feel regarding this death.
The color of flowers
Choosing a floral composition is an important step because their meaning and color will evoke the feelings you have towards the deceased, and his family.
- The purple: this color is associated with the funeral ritual and symbolizes sadness.
- White: symbol of consolation and purity, it is a neutral color which is perfectly suited to a floral composition offered by friends.
- Blue: this color evokes infinity, peace, calm and serenity.
- Pink: color of innocence, calm, peace and serenity.
Beyond these two colors, there are “rules” to be respected. Thus, it is preferable to favor warm colors, such as red. Red is, moreover, generally favored by the family, in order to show their love.
Pastel colors are particularly suitable for paying homage to a woman and are rather intended for a friend.
The meaning of flowers
- Carnations: The carnation is the symbol of mourning, respect, discretion and eternal love. You can choose white carnations to show your loyalty, and red carnations to evoke passion.
- The chrysanthemum: It invades cemeteries in All Saints’ Day, its flowering period. It is a resistant plant, which requires little maintenance. Synonymous with eternity, it is associated with the great stages of life.
- The lily: synonymous with purity, the lily is associated with the Virgin Mary. This plant, with a religious connotation, is generally found on coffins during burials.
- The cineras, the blue hemlock and the cypresses: They evoke the pain of the heart.
- The saponary: This flower expresses sadness.
- The immortal, the purple rose, the purple anemone: Synonymous with regret, they evoke death and the loss of a loved one.