In this world of heavy competition, creativity is the key to success in all forms of work. Without creativity, we can hardly safeguard our existence. However, it seldom happens that one needs a spark, a push, to unfurl his/her creativity. It is here that “creative catalysts” takes up a significant role. Recently, a paper was published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior. This paper defines “creative catalysts” as those people, who enable the creators to carry out “enhanced creative work”. This same paper upholds the relationship of Albert Einstein and Michael Besso as the ideal creator/creative catalyst relationship. In fact, Whenever Einstein faced any problem with a theory, talking with Basso helped him to overcome that problem. However, if you look through the pages of history, you will find that there are numerous such examples.
However, in order to leverage the potential of creative relationships, one need not be a famous personality. In fact, we can easily trace these relationships in our workplaces. In fact, some researchers claim that we can find people like Besso in “organisational life”. These people act as catalysts for others to bring out their creative performances. In fact, a study pioneered by Christina E. Shalley of the Georgia Institute of Technology Scheller College of Business, Gamze Koseoglu of the University of Melbourne, and G. James Lemoine of the University at Buffalo has uncovered an interesting fact.
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According to the findings of the study, in cases where the catalyst is also a creative individual, she/he contributes more powerfully to the work of the creator. However, in this world of remote work, leaders to can do something to utilise this creative relationship. If you want to know how this can be done, then this article is the perfect stop for you. Keep reading this article to know more about the creator/creative catalyst relationship.
Ways to Utilise the Creator/Creative Catalyst Relationship
These are a few ways a leader, can use the creator/creative catalyst relationship to enhance creative output:

Support Organically Developed Creative Catalyst Relationship
It is a truth that the creator/creative catalyst relationship. A shared level of curiosity, a similar sense of humour, or an obsession with design develop such bonds. In such cases, one person creatively takes the lead. Then the catalyst provides inspiration and information to support the creativity. The creative catalysts are those individuals whom their coworkers see “as contributing to their creative thinking process through direct interpersonal interaction”. As leaders, we need to establish check-ins with your creators. The leaders should ask their creators about those office interactions and colleagues who are contributing to their creativity. This will help leaders to understand, which creator/creative catalyst relationships they need to support.
Inclusion of Sharing of Inspiration And Information In Job Description
The researchers in this field state that certain creativity catalyst behaviours influence the creativity in coworkers. Some of these behaviours include providing strategic information, informational support and informational feedback. As leaders, we must identify those behaviours. Then we have to include those behaviours as part of the job description for creative catalysts.
Prioritise Creator/Creative Catalyst Potential While Hiring
While hiring for the post of a supporter for creators, a leader should also enquire whether the candidate has any previous creative partnerships at work. Leaders should also look for the candidate’s potential to bring inspiration and information to the job. Also, ask the candidate about their inspiration in their previous workplaces.

Ensure Diversity Among The Creators And Catalysts
There should be a steady balance between creators and catalysts at your workplaces. In major places, we find that the creators are males and the catalysts are females. However, this scenario should change. As leaders, one should ensure gender balance in the creator/catalyst equation.
Concluding Lines
Therefore, the creator/creative catalyst relationship is essential to enhance the creative output in a workplace. This is very essential to keep up with the highly competitive world. The leaders should have the responsibility to ensure that their companies and organisations foster and support creativity. In fact, creativity is the very essence of existence. Therefore, it should be prioritised.
Also read: Leader’s Guide: Managing Mental Health And Work Productivity