Technology has become a gateway for facilitating experiences all around in every walk of life. Look at the medicinal field, the entertainment field, constructional field, all of them have technology to thank for making their everyday dealings so much easier. With the sports industry the story is the same. From technologies that help athletes prevent injuries and accidents, to services for fans to get their sporting fix on 24/7 and platforms to bet sports online, the worlds of technology and sports have come together for the best.
Now, while at first, the sports industry was a bit hesitant about allowing technology into its dealings, now that the sports world has fully embraced tech, here are three sports technology trends that will only continue to grow and expand further in the future.
Esports, It’s All About Esports Now And Moving Forward

I will say it once and I will say it a million times over, whoever still feels that thinking of pursuing a career playing video games professionally for a living is a kid’s fantasy should definitely check out the ins and outs of the Esports world. Professional video gaming has taken the world by storm as the perfect mix of sports and technology, all married into one activity.
Ever since the competitive video gaming industry hit the ground, it has taken off without any clear signs of stopping with revenue streams in a continuous growth spur and its global reach becoming more and more present as time goes by.
So what’s next for the Esports industry? Continuing to cement their status as the new it thing in the world of professional competitive sports. We can expect for Esports tournaments and leagues to continue gaining more and more strength amongst mainstream sports fanatics who are always looking for the next big thrill.
As time goes by and more young and up and coming sports fans turn their attention to the world of professional video gaming we could be looking at an industry and a sporting discipline that could be taking over other mainstream sports in all popularity and revenue rankings worldwide.
Cryptos and Blockchain Technologies Will Continue To Set Their Mark

Just like with any other business in the world, the times where dealing without cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and others and using blockchain technologies to bring in customers and fans are quickly dying down. Nowadays almost everywhere you look, cryptocurrencies have become one of the new and popular monetary assets around and in the sports industry the trend has definitely started making stronger strides to catch on.
While cryptos are still making their rounds, some of the most modern-looking sports leagues and teams around the world have already started to make serious moves in the crypto world. One of the main ways in which teams and organizations have taken to this new craze is the implementation of fan tokens, which are tokens which allow fans, through blockchain technologies, to form a stronger and more personal relationship with their favorite team.
By having one of these tokens, fans are allowed to increase the level of engagement with their teams, even being allowed to take part in certain team decisions, like which uniform the team will use, how certain team promotions work and of course be able to partake in first hand special promotions for event tickets, memorabilia, official merchandise and other elements. As time goes by it is well expected for sports organizations to continue adopting and establishing crypto currencies and blockchain technologies as one of their main streams of monetization.
Legalized Online Sports Betting Will Cause Positive Shock waves All Around

Ever since the invention of sports there has been sports betting, it’s a given and it’s something basically any and all fans of sports have grown up with. Be it that you’re with your buddies betting on a game of pick up at the park or that you’re actually thinking about putting a couple of bucks down on your favorite team to win an event, it’s all healthy fun.
While before though, in the US sports betting was deemed as an illegal activity, since 2018 the ban on sports betting and online sports betting activities has been seeing it’s slow but certain demise in favor of legalized sports betting and online sports betting activities. Once legalized online sports betting is set in place in all of the US, which is expected to happen by late 2022 at the latest.
Many high tech, up and coming betting companies and platforms will be able to offer fans their top of the line services and commodities, as well as opening up a whole new market for wagering activities around the world. What does this mean at the end? It means job opportunities, profits to be earned, fun to be had, a well-rounded positive activity if you ask me.
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