Waste paper is a product that is already attracting great interest from the world economy. Because it can be successfully processed and put back into the production process. Anyone who buys old books and other types of waste paper knows that waste paper is actively sold and bought today. The reason for this is the development of the processing industry. But is everything so good in this industry? Are there any problems?
Problems exist for various reasons. One of these problems is the fact that waste paper raw materials are inferior in quality to virgin pulp raw materials. However, due to the development of processing technologies, it is already possible today to obtain material of such quality that is satisfactory for the production of the same packaging board.
But in order to obtain raw materials of normal quality, situations should be excluded at the collection stage when other materials or even other waste grades fall into the grade of a certain type of waste paper.
The same cardboard can be recycled several times. But with each subsequent recycling cycle, the mechanical properties and other indicators of the quality of waste fiber decrease. Because in the course of technological operations, such as grinding, preparation for feeding to special machines, paper fibers become less and less susceptible to swelling.
The so-called keratinization develops. Accordingly, processors receive lower quality raw materials. And the quality of the raw materials obtained is an important indicator that is taken into account in the manufacture of materials and, in the future, new products.
To ensure such an indicator at a high level, it is necessary to constantly improve the technological approaches used in the processing process. This is already an area that requires the participation of scientists and narrow specialists.
What problems do processors face?
But the problem associated with a decrease in the quality of the obtained secondary raw materials is not the only situation that needs to be addressed. More often, processors, even at the stage of purchasing recycled paper raw materials, are faced with the fact that they are unable to establish a permanent and effective cooperation with suppliers of waste paper. Despite the development of the waste market, the owners of processing enterprises cannot find suppliers who would be able to supply the desired product with a certain frequency.
Difficulties arise for various reasons. In particular, in some states there is still no systematic approach that would ensure the efficient collection and sorting of waste, as well as its subsequent shipment to processing plants. As a result, consumers of recycled paper raw materials have to establish relationships with foreign partners.
These partners may be many thousands of kilometers away. Complicated transportation of specific goods. As a result, the price of waste paper rises, which becomes unprofitable for the consumer. But you still have to buy raw materials from abroad to meet the needs of the local pulp and paper industry, which needs recycled paper and cardboard.
Not so long ago, so-called waste brokers began to conduct their very useful activities in the secondary raw materials market. Some of those who buys scrap cardboard and other types of waste paper have already begun to cooperate with them.
And the number of brokers’ clients is growing. At the same time, not only buyers, but also sellers turn to them. Because sellers also often experience problems associated with establishing reliable cooperation in the market of secondary paper raw materials. In the end, everyone benefits.
Also read: Recycling of Polystyrene and Its Benefits