You can easily witness thousands of emojis popping up on social media sites and other platforms every time you scroll through an online post. And this proportion has only increased since people have started to opt for emoji and sticker packs or bundles. But every once in a while, it is likely for you to come across an emoji that you might not know how to respond to or what it signifies in particular that emoji is upside-down face emoji.
Just like it is said, keeping a conversation going is an art. The upside-down face emoji is a perfect example of that. In its very essence, it has no particular meaning, and it can be thrown around in every kind of text message. But, responding to this is more challenging than you might think.
How to Respond and what the Emoji Signifies:

It is quite obvious that this emoji does not have any specific meaning to it. So, if you are to receive this as a text from someone, you will need to make a reply that will be above moderate standards. For doing that, the best thing to consider is the texts that were sent before the emoji. Those texts can greatly help you get to know the entire context behind the emoji.
Depending on the situation, this emoji represents various sentiments and some of those are as follows:
1. Sarcasm
When someone is texting you in a style that dictates heavy sarcasm, the smiling-face emoji or the tooth-grin emoji will not be appropriate right after that text. If typed this way, the message will seem more realistic and not sarcastic. Therefore, in place of the normal smiling-face emoji, this upside-down face emoji is good enough to be brought into use.
2. Goofy
When someone is in a whole-lot jolly mood, they get the chance to try out all the emojis they have access to through their keyboard. And the upside-down face emoji happens to be one of those. Besides that, this emoji is nothing else, if not goofy enough.
3. Awkward
Suppose a person is not likely to find a suitable reply to any of the conversations you had before your current exchange; then, in that situation. In that case, it is more than likely for him to use emojis to converse from that point on. This can be a rather effective way to cope with the conversational problems you might have because of sentences making double sense at any particular.
4. Embarrassment
If someone has sent you a text that has embarrassed them, they would have tried to diffuse the situation or dissipate the embarrassment by shifting the topic from one subject to another. And this silly emoji is a good way to switch the conversation. You can think of this emoji as a person who has admitted that he has made a fool out of himself.
5. Anger
Sometimes, a person disagrees with a statement or fact but can not directly state that he opposes that statement. And for that, he can not directly type that other measures regarding the previous fact are needed or the fact does not stand true in a particular case. Neither can he use the red-faced anger emoji, as this expresses anger. And in the place of this emoji, the upside-down face emoji works perfectly fine.
6. Happiness
When a person is feeling good about something or himself in particular, it becomes more than likely that the person will include lots of emojis and stickers in his texts. This is his way of expressing his happiness.
In this case, he can even turn to the use of emojis that are not even related to the mentioned subject. The upside-down face emoji is a good example of that. This emoji does not have a specific meaning, but it still is a smiling face.
7. Calmness
This emoji serves a really good role of hiding away all the personal thoughts that a person is projecting through his text messages. It means that one will not be able to easily distinguish the kind of feelings that a person is supporting when texting.
And this way, one can appear to be calm and stoic even when he is panicked inside. This emoji is extremely helpful when you want a conversation to continue without letting anyone know about your internal thoughts.
8. Passive aggression
This emoji can be used to emphasize a point that someone else is making indirectly. You can think of it when someone is explaining something; then you can send this emoji to him.
Although indirect, this will serve as a way to direct him into explaining more about the subject, thinking that you are interested in that. But you didn’t actively state anything, and even then, you could make a person defensive about the point he was trying to make.
9. Resignation
This is a good way of expressing your boredom. One can interpret it as you just sending in some weird emojis as you are bored or are not enjoying the conversation like others are.
This will help you get a good enough excuse to opt out of any discussion you are unwilling to participate in. This can be seen as trying to play safer than taking on problems you are unfamiliar with.
10. Simplicity or Neutral stance
Let us, for once, not label every single thing or text we see. There is no need to interpret everything that you receive in your inbox. Some things are meant just for fun.
And this emoji can be one of those fun moments you can have with your friends. No double meanings or secret conversations; think of it as you trying your best to live in the moment as carefree as possible.
Also read: Step-by-step Techniques to Start A Conversation Over Text