Death is a time when the vitals in our body stop functioning and everything slows down and ends. These are the organs that try to keep us alive but now they are not working anymore. You can know what to expect during death, before death and after death. This will help you to be aware of what happens in the body when it starts to die.
Many poets and writers have spoken about death and many religions and beliefs give different interpretations of death. But according to science what happens to our body during death. You can find out all the details of What Happens When You Die.
What happens when you die?
The physical body and the organs fight to survive. Our body is created in a way to fight against diseases and other ailments common to mankind. That is why our heart is always beating to keep us alive. But what happens when our heart stops beating. It stops its beating during the time of death. This is what happens when you die.
This is the last breath. Then the brain stops functioning followed by the vital organs like the kidneys and liver. The body systems powered by these organs also shut down. They will no longer be capable of working. This is the process of death and it is slow and painless for some people while painful and agonizing for many. Dying is the last function the body performs.
What happens in the body during death?

Due to chronic illness and other diseases, many people die every year. Some symptoms show people are dying. Here are the symptoms that slowly lead to death.
1. More need to sleep less to work
During the process of dying a person likes to sleep more because they always feel tired to do physical activity. The heart will pump oxygen less and less. So without the required oxygen, the body feels tired. There will be no energy to keep you up all day. That is why you may see elderly or sick people on the brink of death always making time to sleep.
2. Less appetite and thirst
A dying person does not need the same amount of nutrition a healthy person requires to thrive. Their appetite will lessen dramatically some weeks or months before the death. The digestive system will find it hard to digest food so they will not feel the need to eat more. But it does not mean that avoiding food is the best option because eating is important as the body will get some nourishment.
3. Less control of the bowel and bladder
The digestive system of the dying person will start to slow down so they will feel it difficult to digest the food and excrete it. One of the common symptoms of the dying body is constipation. Plus a person may also have less control of their bowel movements so they cannot control urinating. They will have to use foley catheters or pads to keep their bedsides clean. Plus they may need the support of their near and dear ones during this ordeal.
4. Muscle and skin breakdown
It is very common for the muscles and the skin to break down as we get older. But a dying person can experience it to the extreme. Their old cells may not be replaced by new cells so their muscle and skin will break down. Also, it can lead to bruising leading to injury.
The family members of the dying person have to monitor these situations because skin breakdown can lead to infections.
5. Irregular vital signs
The vitals of the dying person such as temperature, respiration and pulse may lessen rapidly. At the time of death, the body temperature will drop and the skin may feel cold or clammy. The respiration rate will decline. Slowly other vital signs will slow down when a person nears death.
What happens during the time of death?

The body’s vital functions will stop completely. The heart will no longer beat and breath will stop. The brain activity will continue for some time several minutes after the person’s death. But the person is dead only his brain will function and he is not aware of anything at all.
The brain does not have any consciousness of its surroundings. Some of the signs of death are no pulse, no breath, reflexes not responding, pupils not dilating and a lot more. The doctor will check for these signs and will determine whether the person has died or not. This is the description of what happens when you die.
What happens to the body after death?
The body will go through a series of changes after death. Some of them are tragic to go into detail but this is what happens to the body after death. The following things happen to the body.
1. Muscles relax
The muscles will loosen immediately after death and it may release the strain on the bowel and bladder. Most people poop and pee during the time of their death. Also, the skin may sag making it easy to view the bone structure under it.
2. Dropping temperature
The body temperature will decrease gradually and the body temperature will be the same as the surrounding. There is no need to keep the body warm or cool anymore.
3. Blood gets pulled downward
Gravity pulls the blood downward on the earth. So the skin will look purplish-red where the blood pools.
4. Loosening of the body
A few days after the death, the tissue in the body breaks down and it will cause the stiff parts to relax.
Will dying hurt?
It depends on the type of death a person is experiencing. If a person dies of an accident or disease they may experience pain when dying. But some people may not experience any pain at all and they die peacefully in their sleep. Therefore we cannot say whether we will die a painful or painless death or not. It is different for everyone. But with the help of medical professionals, we can make the dying person’s ending moments as peaceful and painless as possible.
These are the things that happen when a person dies. If you are wondering what happens when you die, have a look at the above details? It is important to know what happens so we can help our dying family members cope with the situation.
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