Even a minor car accident can result in serious injuries, which is why it’s important to undergo a medical evaluation after any traffic incident. You might feel inclined to brush yourself off and carry on with your day only to later realize you’ve overlooked a serious injury. One example of a minor accident might include a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle that was traveling slower than 10 miles per hour. You may think it’s nothing at the time, only to discover hours later that you were hurt. You can click here to see more examples of minor auto accidents.
The problem with going to the doctor later is that you won’t have a medical record until hours or even days after the accident. If you end up in court, the defense’s lawyer may claim that your injuries occurred after the accident. To avoid that, look for the Berry chiropractic clinic that deals with car accident injuries/ After they help you, they will give you all the medical documentation you’ll need for the court case.
Soft Tissue Injuries Are Very Common
A mild fall can result in a soft tissue injury, which involves the tearing of muscle, tendons, and ligaments. The severity of the injury will depend on which soft tissues are affected. The stretching or straining of the soft tissue in the neck can lead to whiplash, which leaves an individual in discomfort as a neck brace is used to help the soft tissue heal.
When the tissue in the back is affected, this can result in a more painful condition that can take longer to heal. In addition to keeping the tissue immobile until it has been mended, there’s also an issue with alleviating pain.
Identifying Traumatic Brain Injuries Can be Tricky
A head contusion doesn’t have to be very severe to affect the brain. In fact, an individual can suffer a traumatic brain injury without hitting their head at all. If the crash causes an impact strong enough to whip the head back and forth in a rapid motion, the action can cause the brain to slam against the inside of the skull. As a result, a brain injury can begin to develop.
The symptoms are initially mild, starting with a slight headache that’s either persistent or recurring. By the time symptoms worsen, the brain injury has grown more severe and may not respond as well to treatment. Undergoing a medical evaluation immediately can help your doctor diagnose and treat a brain injury sooner.
Chest Injuries Can Seriously Affect Accident Victims
Another way a minor accident can result in serious injuries is due to how the chest area is affected by the sudden stopping or collision action of an auto accident. While wearing a seat belt will protect you from even more devastating injuries, the seat belt itself can cause internal damage. As an individual is jerked forward and pulled back in an accident, the seat belt can apply force to the torso. This can break or bruise the ribs as well as bruising internal organs.
In more severe cases, blood vessels or organs can burst, causing internal bleeding. This is another situation in which symptoms may not reveal the true nature of the injuries, making a thorough medical evaluation vital to the diagnosis of these injuries.
Back Injuries Develop Slowly
One more example of a serious injury that can develop from a seemingly minor accident is damage to your spine or spinal cord. While very serious accidents can result in the type of extensive spine damage that causes immediate paralysis, this isn’t always the case.
Many times, a herniated disc or pinched nerve will only cause a slight tingling or numb sensation in the arms and legs. These sensations will persist and worsen until it becomes more difficult to use those limbs. If the injury isn’t treated, paralysis may result, which can lead to a permanent disability.
It’s also important to get a medical evaluation soon after an accident because failing to do so could harm any injury claim you’ll need to file. After getting evaluated for injuries, you should consult a personal injury lawyer. Your first consultation will most likely be free, and the attorney will use the meeting to evaluate the strength and value of your claim. That will help you determine how to proceed.
Also read: Expert Negotiating Tips for A Car Accident Settlement