The number of users with successful workshop entries received from Valve for maps and skins has been revealed for the first time due to a surprising leak of CS: GO files. By adding new content, Valve has highlighted the importance of the community in CS: GO. The Steam Workshop, where anyone with an account can submit work, is where a large portion of the added maps and skins are made.
The select few who have succeeded in accepting their contribution will not only have their work seen by the millions of players in-game but also have the opportunity to get paid by Valve. A successful skin or map submission’s potential earnings were just recently discovered. However, the curtain has been removed due to a leak from the item schema API of CS: GO.
Leaked Tuscan And Anubis Payments for the CS:GO maps:
On March 9, it was discovered that the CS: GO files contained two unexpected lines of code that revealed “one-time payments” for the two new maps de Anubis and de Tuscan, each costing $150,000.
In a conversation with the map’s authors in December, Dexerto brought up the issue of compensation. The money, they claimed, was “a pretty nice bonus” but “not life-changing.” Given that there were three map designers, the cash was likely divided equally among them. In the case of Tuscan, this wasn’t a brand-new map but rather a rework of a well-known level from CS 1.6.
How much money does Valve spend on CS: GO skins?

But what about the designers of the skins? In response to the information about the map payments being leaked, a few map and skin creators spoke with Twitch streamer ohnePixel. While guarded about their earnings, they revealed the typical amount a skin creator would make for a successful entry.
In CS: GO, almost all skins are put into “boxes,” which players receive as drops and then purchase for about $2 (depending on the currency) to get a key to open the case. This implies that a skin maker’s income varies according to how well-liked the scenario in which their particular weapon design is used. Nonetheless, the workshop creators claim that the typical annual salary for a skin maker is around $400,000.
According to TR3x3r, the creator of the Danger Zone map, the amount will be larger today because his estimates go as far as August 6, 2022. “A year ago, the typical skin cost $414,288; obviously, that will increase now.” A portion of the keys sold for the case is what Valve pays you every month.
This implies that some cases will be exceptional. The Hydra Case, which is less well known, is an “extreme negative outlier,” but the Clutch Case, which is opened millions of times each month, is an “extreme positive outlier.” Since that skins are a source of constant money, whereas maps are a one-time payment, this is probably why there is a difference between maps and skins.
The skin makers also noted that although it is not against the law in the workshop for employees to discuss their earnings publicly, many choose to do it privately.
A skin was replaced in the most recent CS: GO incident when it was discovered that it contained stolen artwork. Users may be tempted to create their skin submissions given the number of earning possibilities, but everything published in the workshop needs to be the user’s original work.
Also read: CSGO Cases Supposedly Bring Valve $54 Million Each Month