The importance of the office environment and the coworking phenomenon is gaining more and more popularity. This is due to a number of reasons, not just because it’s trendy – but – because it makes perfect business sense.
Here we list five benefits of working in a coworking space
1. More Collaboration Opportunities
Best coworking space are designed to encourage interaction, learning, and sharing of ideas between coworkers. People working in a coworker space are exposed to different disciplines, people, and knowledge on a daily basis which is extremely beneficial for networking and collaboration on projects.
2. Encourages Creativity

More open-plan spaces mean more exposure to happenings around the office, including other people’s conversations. This can spark new creative ideas and encourage more innovative thinking as people would be stimulated to think out of the box.
3. More Exposure
Whether you’re a freelancer, an entrepreneur, or from a start-up business, coworking spaces tend to create opportunities for businesses to get their name out there. You’d be surprised how many people go to such spaces for business opportunities and meetups.
4. Better Work/Life Balance
By working in the best co-working space , you tend to be less stressed as it is not your own office, and you won’t be spending most of the day there (unless you want to). You will also tend to work less overtime.
5. Higher Productivity

Coworking spaces are often centrally located in town, so commuting time is minimal, and you can easily have lunch or go for a coffee break outside the office without having to leave the town center. This results in lesser distractions from work as well as better concentration levels.
6. Lower Costs
Coworking spaces are not too expensive (3-5 Euros/hour), and it is definitely cheaper than renting office space. This may even be tax-deductible! Whilst coworking spaces are becoming more popular, they’re still not for everyone. It’s best to try out a coworking space before committing full time.
7. Choose your best coworking space Carefully

Make sure the coworking space is run professionally and has suitable facilities, i.e., good internet support, printing support, etc. Ask other people about their experience with different spaces before committing.
8. No Guarantee of Business Networking
Just because you’re working in a coworking space does not guarantee you opportunities to network with other businesses. You still need to actively seek out these opportunities and be proactive at such events.
9. Lack of Privacy
Most coworking spaces are open plan, which means less privacy for work discussions or calls. Some people even go to coworking spaces just for the lack of distractions and to get things done.
10. Long Contracts

Most spaces require a 3-month contract for a full-time workspace. If you’re not ready to commit to such a space, try it out on a part-time basis first before committing fully.
For any business involved in the real estate industry, it is vital to stay on top of the latest trends, and this includes the best coworking space. It will benefit your business in more ways than one if you start paying more attention to these concepts.
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