Coaching is on the rise. Soft skills, such as communication and collaboration, are imperative to success in business and life. But as our world becomes more digital, how can coaching companies like CoachHub and Betterup reach people and make an impact?
This article explores how digital coaching resources are helping to expand the reach of coaching companies and improve soft skills at work.
Coaching is on the rise
Coaching is on the rise- literally. According to a recent report by The Global Coaching Community (GCC), coaching is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, with projected annual growth rates reaching as high as 20%. This growth means that more people are getting coached every day, and many business owners are also learning from their coaches how to coach others.
In addition to its rapid growth rate, coaching has another thing going for it: its popularity among clients. In fact, according to a study conducted by Gallup Inc., over 80% of people who have been coached say they would recommend it to others. But what exactly is it about coaching that makes it so appealing?
Soft skills are imperative
Soft skills are the skills that help you work well with others. They are the skills that help you communicate effectively, be a good leader and a good team player. You can improve your soft skills by working on them in your everyday life.
Soft skills can be learned by doing things that improve them, such as:
- Listening to others’ ideas
- Asking questions to clarify an idea or problem
- Giving feedback when there is room for improvement
Digital coaching resources are helping to expand coaching companies’ reach and impact

Digital coaching is also more accessible than traditional coaching. The resources used by digital coaches are available to everyone, so anyone can learn how to use them. In addition, the cost of a digital coach is much less than a traditional coach. A digital coach can be at your side 24/7 without needing to meet with you in person or on the phone; this means that a single session can cost as little as $5 if you want to chat with your coach over Skype or Google Hangouts.
Finally, digital coaching is convenient because it gives clients flexibility about where and when they schedule sessions with their coaches—for example, if you need help preparing for an upcoming presentation but live far away from your usual co-worker who serves as your mentor (or “coach”),
then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do so via video call while commuting home from work!
Coaching is helping to change the way we do business by bettering the workforce’s soft skills
Coaching is changing the way we do business. It’s helping to better the workforce’s soft skills and improve performance, productivity, leadership and communication skills.
Coaching has been around for a long time but it has grown in popularity because of companies who see coaching as an investment rather than a cost. They’ve realized that coaching can help employees retain their jobs longer and make them more productive workers.
Coaching is becoming an increasingly important part of the business world, and it’s not just the executives who are benefitting. The increased demand for soft skills among all levels of employees means that companies who can provide coaching resources will be able to capitalize on this huge market opportunity. Coaching companies are helping to change the way we do business by bettering the workforce’s soft skills.
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