Hulk Hogan is known all around the world as a pro wrestler. Millions of people look up to him. Thus many people care about his health. However, there are numerous claims made about his health. All of these claims are not right. Therefore, there must be clarity on such matters.
One such claim was that he was paralyzed after surgery. Thus naturally this led many people to worry. However, Hulk Hogan himself dismissed all these claims.
If you wish to know more about his health status, then continue reading. We shall explore more about such facets in this article.
The role of the internet in false claims
The internet has many benefits to offer. No one can deny this. But there are some concerns as well. One such concern is the spread of fake news and other such things. Anyone can go on to make a claim these days. It might be regarding anything. Thus the boundary between reality and fake truths is much blurred these days.

Claims of paralysis
The number of people wondering whether Hulk Hogan is paralyzed increased exponentially after the post of Kurt Angle in the “Kurt Angle show”. There he stated:
“Hogan had his back surgery again. He had the nerves cut from his lower body.”
“He can’t feel his lower body. He has to use his cane to walk around. I thought he was using the cane because he has pain in his back. He doesn’t have any pain. He has nothing at all. He can’t feel anything. Now he can’t feel his legs, so he has to walk with a cane, which is pretty serious.”
The problem with the podcast
The problem with the above podcast was that it left millions of fans wondering. The statement presents a grim picture. Hence people were naturally worried at large.
The implication of the statement led many to think about paralysis. Fortunately, that is not the case.
Your favorite wrestler is fine. Thus let us find out more about his current status.
Clarification of representative
The representative of Hulk Hogan clearly stated that there is no instance of paralysis. Hence there is nothing to worry about in this regard. However, there is still a pain in his body. It persists. Thus that will take time to fully go away.

Not the first time
Interestingly Hulk Hogan has had multiple surgeries before. His family claimed that he went through over 25 surgeries in the past. Thus he is no stranger to the world of medical procedures. All of these 25 surgeries happened in the past 10 months.
In a recent podcast, his daughter Brooke said:
“He’s had both shoulders scoped, and he had his whole bicep…and everything tied up in his shoulder last year,”
“That was a disaster. He got MRSA, and it was like a big thing. So we had to go back.”
“He’s had both of his knees replaced multiple times, I think twice on both. He’s had his hips done. He’s had his elbow scoped. He’s had so many surgeries.”
After the current surgery, Hulk has come out to be even stronger than before. We all wish him a speedy recovery.
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