The second season of Warzone 2.0 has arrived, bringing an increasing number of important weapon buffs, nerfs, and significant meta adjustments. But what weapons do gamers use? According to WZRanked, as of March 12, these are the most used firearms in Warzone 2.0.
Season Two of Warzone 2 has arrived after several weeks of waiting. Among other features, it introduced Ashika Island, the first Resurgence setting in the BR sequel, and a return to 1v1 Gulag battles. The game’s weaponry saw a wide range of adjustments, including long-overdue nerfs to fan favorites like the Fennec and RPK and upgrades to unused weapons like the M13B.
Be sure to frequently refer to this list to keep ahead of the curve as Season Two’s meta develops because the finest weapons always become the most popular. The top 10 firearms in Warzone 2.0, according to data from WZRanked, are shown below.
Top 10 Best & Most-Used Guns (Pick-Rate%) in Warzone 2.0
1. RPK (2.8%)

In Season One, the RPK and the Fennec maintained dominion over everything. This changed when the RPK was nerfed in the patch notes of February 24, which caused a sharp decline in popularity. Nonetheless, many individuals are still holding onto their previous successes.
2. M4 (3.0%)
Because of its rapid-fire, respectable damage, and moderate recoil, the M4″ contains Al Mazrah. It dropped off this list as players chose better alternatives, but it is back now because of its durability and adaptability.
3. (3.1%) Signal 50
The Signal 50 is a very disappointing sniper in Modern Warfare 2. However, it excels in Warzone 2 thanks to its high damage and semi-automatic fire rate. There will always be demand for the Signal 50 and its unequaled fire rate, even though it handles very poorly as long as snipers can’t one-hit.
4. Vaznev-9K (3.1%)

The Vaznev 9K has been the option SMG for professionals ever since MW2 was released. Its popularity fell slightly after Season Two, but it is now clearly on the rise again. Warzone 2 would have it less efficiently, but its damage, handling, and controllable recoil do translate.
5. TAQ-56 (4.2%)
The Scar-H assault rifle is the TAQ-56, and it has the same advantages and disadvantages that the rifle did in earlier Call of Duty games. It is far more powerful with the appropriate attachments and a logical playing strategy. Unsuccessful handling and movement neutralize serious damage and range.
6. RAAL MG (5.4%)
After the RPK’s downfall, a position at the top of Warzone 2’s food chain became available. The RAAL MG rapidly became a popular choice in Season Two to compete for that position. Its weak handling and terrible mobility balance incredible damage, great range, and big magazine.
7. Sakin MG38 (7.7%)

Compared to Season One, where the RPK was by far the most popular LMG, Season Two has seen a rise in popularity for the Sakin MG38. The standard LMG drawbacks, such as poor mobility and handling, balance the weapon’s high damage and superb range.
8. Lachmann Sub (10.8%)
The Lachmann Sub, often the MP5, is the last weapon a player can obtain in a platform’s inventory. It is adaptable, fast, and powerful enough to keep players in similar gunfights. The Lachmann Sub gained access to the battle royale due to nerfs to the Fennec and Vaznev, but for now, it has stolen the chance and is the finest SMG there.
9. KV Broadside (16.6%)
Shotguns were finally introduced into the meta by adding the KV Broadside in Season 2 of Warzone 2. The disadvantages of shotguns—lack of range and a small magazine—combine with their incredible damage to make them nearly unstoppable in close quarters.
10. ISO Hemlock (19.8%)

With the introduction of the KV Broadside in Warzone 2’s second season, shotguns were finally included in the meta. Combined with its enormous damage, the shotgun’s weaknesses of short-range and a tiny magazine make it practically unstoppable in close quarters.
Although there is a decent amount of kick in this, it becomes significantly more accurate and destructive with the proper attachments and some experience. You’ll eliminate opponents quickly if you can fire with accuracy.
Ending up:
You got it, then! The ten most used firearms in Warzone 2.0. For you to stay up to date on the greatest and most practical guns in the CoD battle royale, we’ll make sure to update this list.
Also read: Know About Warzone 2 & Modern Warfare 2 Season Three: Season Two End Date!