Some words can make people move and take action. These are the words people use when they are trying to inspire people. But for most of the times, advertisements use these words to attract more customers. These are some of the examples that show us that words matter and have power. Therefore, if you want to move people and stir them to act here are some of the powerful words you can use in your statements.
– You
Yes “You” gives a personal flair to any statement. If you want to move people you have to use the words You in many places in your statements. It has the power to motivate people and take action. Instead of generalised words, you can use the personal You. This will make the readers feel connected to what you are saying. It will make them know their importance. For instance, you can ask Are you interested to use our services? to move the people to use your services. So use You in your statements to make the readers feel special.
– Reveal
If you are going to reveal something exciting to your audience, then make use of the power word Reveal. It has a sort mystical property in it which will appeal to the hearers. People will keep on wondering what you are going to show them. This will stir them to make a move. Many book writers use the word reveal to capture the interest of the readers. The viewer always waits for the big reveal as it is interesting. Therefore, you can use the power word to make people take action.
– Free
You can capture all the senses of the people if you use the power word free. People like to save money so they like to look at free things. Therefore, if you want people to visit your website you can make use of the word free. You can highlight the word in dark letters for the people to notice it. This is one of the power word sellers use to attract buyers to their shop.
– New
Another kind of power word people love is the word New. Something new always gets a lot of welcome among the audience. They want to explore more about new things. So if you are introducing something you can use the word new to attract viewers. This is one of the words advertisers use to appeal to their customers. Therefore, use this power word if you want people to take action.
– Quick
In this world time is one of the things people try hard to save. There is no time so whenever people hear the world quick they inherently take action. That is the reason why many people use the world quick and its synonym hurry. People like to do things quickly so that is the reason why they find ways to attain their goals by using a shortcut. So quick is one of the best power words to move people to take action.
These are the five power words you can use to make people take action. Hold your audience attention with these words.