Metal brackets are sheet metal fabrication parts that provide support for the objects that are joined together. Metal brackets are also referred to as mounting brackets or mounts. Sheet metal brackets may be thought of as being similar to expansion joints, which expand and contract freely. Brackets are certainly being used with fasteners to join two objects together.
Types of Metal Brackets
Many bracket types are being used in industries according to their application and the requirements of the design to support them. These custom metal brackets are being manufactured using sheet metal fabrication and other processes.
L-brackets are the most commonly used bracket types. This bracket has an L-shape profile that is bent at a 90° angle. When considering the design of the L-bracket, make sure that its material and thickness are strong enough to support the loading conditions required and cannot easily deflect or deform. L-shaped brackets have many applications, but they are widely used to join a horizontal object to a vertical object.
Z-bracket is another type of mounting bracket that is bent twice. The Z shape is formed by bending one flange inward and the other outward. These brackets’ are used for mounting two offset surfaces that are parallel to each other.
Another type of mounting bracket is the U-bracket. As the name suggests, a U-bracket has a U shape formed by bending a sheet along two axes. This profile is beneficial for mounting parallel surfaces together, or it can be used to hold an object between its flanges. Power supplies and pipes are certainly installed with U-brackets.
Offset Bracket
Offset brackets are used to mount parallel surfaces in a manner that is similar to the Z-brackets. These brackets can be designed to accept mounting holes throughout their entire length. Offset brackets are typically used in combination with U-brackets to mount assemblies on a structural frame or in situations where structural support is required. Hat brackets are also a type of offset bracket.
Gusset Bracket
Gusset brackets are used to reinforce the corners of a structure. These brackets contain a triangular shape. Your structure will have more strength by using these brackets in your design to join adjacent surfaces together. Extra support can be added by welding these brackets to an assembly. The edges of the bracket are bent from the ends of the horizontal and vertical faces if it is formed from a single piece of sheet metal.

Custom Metal Brackets
Custom brackets allow you to personalize your home with a unique look and style. They are mostly used in houses and commercial spaces to hang large items or artworks. There are many custom brackets, such as a wall-mounted custom bracket, a ceiling-mounted custom bracket, and a floor-mounted custom bracket.
Tips and Considerations for Designing Sheet Metal Brackets
Designing a metal bracket is a pretty simple task. You need to specify our design requirements and follow some necessary steps.
Determine Material
You have to start with the loading conditions for your design and assume that you are designing it for a static load.
The next main task is to determine what materials we can use to manufacture our sheet metal bracket. The common materials used are carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless steel.

Shape of Bracket
The shape of the bracket will be decided next. The shape of the bracket depends on the item or material that is being held onto it. You should keep in mind that the strength of the bracket does not depend only on the material but also on the shape of the bracket. For example, just add a small feature to the L-bracket, and its strength will dramatically change.
Dimensions will be assumed, depending on the loading conditions. For example, if a ladder weighs 60 lbs, you need a bracket to hold the ladder. You have calculated your material strength, and you can now decide which shape of bracket can withstand this load.
Amount of Holes
The next task is to determine how many holes should be drilled in this bracket. These holes should be evenly spaced and drilled in the center. The clearance between the bolt and hole should be 0.10″ to 0.15″. If you are using a 0.25″ bolt, then you need to hole the diameter of 0.26″. These holes can be drilled using CNC machining.
Surface Finishes
Material Finish options are not only important for shiny surfaces but also to help in resistance to rust. For outdoor use, brackets are protected by painting and powder coating. Powder coating provides a hard finish to protect the metal bracket in comparison to conventional paint.
When designing a metal bracket, the cost of the material used is also an important consideration to ensure the safety and quality of our design. Aluminum is used where corrosion resistance and less weight are required, but it is more expensive than stainless steel which also provides high corrosion resistance.
Applications of Metal Brackets
Metal brackets have a variety of applications according to the requirements. These brackets are used in the construction industry to hold walls and ceilings, support beams, columns, and various structural components. Plate brackets are also a very common type of bracket used in the construction industry.
In mechanical engineering, they are used to hold the connections of components. They are used as support for any part that is fixed or moveable. In the automotive industry, brackets are used for strengthening the chassis and for mounting lights, mirrors, and fenders to the frame.
Brackets are also used to connect wires, cords, and cables. You can design a custom metal bracket for your particular requirements. Other types are pan brackets, motor brackets, display brackets, and flat corner braces.
The conclusion of this article is that the manufacturing of sheet metal brackets is a simple and easy job. The formation of the bracket requires extra care. It is important to have an experienced person do this job because he can ensure that the job is done perfectly. It is also advisable to use a template so as not to make any mistakes when you bend your metal piece.
Also read: The Basics of Sheet Metal Fabrication: Techniques, Applications, and Benefits