So you’ve been using Learning Management Systems (LMS) in your classes for a while now. And while you may have found some success with the system, what happens when students disengage?
What happens when the instruction seems to fall flat and fail to inspire? This is where the best LMS systems come into play. The kind of LMS tools that truly captivate students and effectively teach academic lessons beyond the classroom.
But how do you know which are the best LMS systems? And what makes them stand out from other run-of-the-mill options? Fear not! This post will explore some of our favorite exceptional LMS tools to help teachers and students take their e-learning experiences to new heights.
1. Gamification: Not Just Child’s Play
When was the last time you played a video game? Or got excited at earning ‘points’ or ‘badges’ in an app? Now imagine having that same excitement be applied in an educational setting during assignments or assessments.
That’s gamification in action! Game-based learning has proven effective as it keeps students engaged throughout their online learning experience. This is why incorporating gamification toolkits within your selected LMS system should be one of your primary steps.
Modern gamification tools effortlessly integrate personalized leaderboards, badges, awards, and achievements right onto your chosen platform. Students will thrive off being able to track earned badges & trophies: creating healthy competition among each other. Competition drives curiosity which leads young minds toward the desired exploration.
2. Cloud-Based Access
Nobody likes restrictive software– especially teachers who can’t always access their program without needing access codes or permission slips. Thankfully, cloud-based solutions exist within several current options on our list; virtual accessibility creates mobility through access from multiple devices instead of a single desktop. Not only does this create flexibility for busy educators, but it allows learners open convenience towards e-Learning within or outside of classroom hours.
With the growth of cloud-based computing technology, integrating this feature into your selected LMS system will prepare students for digital workspace upon graduation, ensuring they’ll always be one step ahead in digitization.
3. Social Media Integration
“So and So is now following you.” Seeing that notification can leave many feeling validated and seen. This psychological response towards attention can be easily applied within the learning environment. Modern youth often possess ample social media skills as well as a growing desire for instant validation.
Integrating these systems into online educational courses allows students and teachers to interact via chat, boosting two-way communication and creating an interactive experience beyond simple email exchanges. And for students who may need just a bit more edge to improve engagement, a little “like” from their classmates or instructor could go a long way!
4. Content Customization
Customization is at the forefront of design in nearly every aspect possible, so why not integrate it into online learning? Prioritize student choice and freedom by selecting various content options using multiple types of multimedia, including text, videos, and audio; custom courses stick better, causing better focus within younger generations.
By doing so, traditional methods become abandoned as unique course content vastly expands compared to prescribed methods set forth by conventional academics limiting potential academic growth altogether.
5. Learning Analytics
Learning analytics translates complex usage data into easily understandable formats allowing assessment tracking. With predictive performance data being collected over time, user enrollment allows personalized lesson plan outcomes on individuals based on progress. This method avoids generalized approaches, which cause limitations while still adhering to customization needs valued by both educators & learners.
In closing, remember investing in the best LMS Systems takes more than simply signing up for a platform that has stayed popular among society- but rather involves researching purposefully implementable tools that provide a modern edge allowing success everywhere on campus– even beyond the classroom walls.
As we see it- adding enjoyment to learning can only strengthen modern academics giving young students an immediate advantage in a competitive work environment. So what are you still waiting for? It’s time to jump on board. Implement the top LMS Systems now, and your institution will never look back!
Also read: Easy Ways to Teach Preschoolers About Helping Others: Fostering Empathy and Kindness