Are you wearing your engagement ring now? Then it will surely be one of the most important things in your life. The engagement ring is a precious jewel in a woman’s life. It is not only a ring but a symbol of love. But sometimes the rings can lose the sparkle they once have. So to keep it looking sparkly as your relationship you have to take care of it. Therefore, here are some of the tips we have gathered for you. Follow it and keep your engagement ring as new as the first day you wore. These are the tips that will be useful for you to keep your engagement ring safely. Value your engagement ring for life as it is a sign of love.
Here are the simple tips from jewel experts to keep your ring clean and shiny.
1. Do not take off the ring in public
If you are in places like public washrooms, your office or in someone else’s home then do not take off your ring. Because you can forget it to wear it back. Frequently taking it off to wash hands is also risky. It can fall somewhere and get lost. That is why many experts’ advice women not to take off their engagement ring now and then. If you want to take off the ring for emergency purposes, then keep it safely in your bag.
2. Avoid touching the centre stone
If you want to take care of your engagement ring, then you must avoid the habit of touching the centre stone. Many women like to touch the stone and admire its design. However, the dirt, body oil and other matters can get stuck in the stone easily. This can in time dull the shine of the stone. If you want to take off the ring you can try grabbing the band on the other side. Do not touch the stone directly.
3. Clean the ring
The engagement ring needs cleaning to retain the shine. However, you must not use random cleaners at your home. Instead, you can take it to a professional jewel cleaner to do the job for you. This will keep your ring glistening for many years. They will properly steam clean the ring for effective cleaning.
4. Do not use harsh chemicals
If you are using harsh chemicals, then it is always the best option to remove your ring. The chemical agents like bleach and others can be harmful to the gems like emeralds. Therefore, take off the rings keep them in a safe place when you are using these kinds of chemicals.
5. Avoid wear and tear
The diamond is one of the world’s hardest natural materials but the cut and polished diamonds can chip. You must not knock it against other hard materials. They can wear and tear if you use them harshly. Therefore, try to handle them with care.
6. Ring dishes
You can keep a ring dish in your bathroom or some places in your house to keep the diamonds. Therefore, it will be easy for you to keep it if you are going to work. But you must take off your ring only in your home.