How To Check Voicemail is the most asked question now because we often miss taking calls. Did you also happen to miss that call? For situations like this, voicemail allows you to hear what the caller wanted to share with you. How do you check your voicemail to see whether any calls have been missed? Most individuals have voicemail accounts on their landlines or mobile phones, but things might get tricky if you don’t have access to a phone or have just switched voicemail services. This wikiHow teaches you how to check your voicemail in a variety of ways.
How To Check Voicemail: What You Need to Know

On an iPhone or Android, the “New Voicemail” notice generally allows you to access your voicemail.
To access your voicemail, dial your own phone number and your PIN or passcode.If your phone carrier offers an online voicemail alternative, go online.
I’m looking into it on Android (From Notifications)
- Swipe down from the top of the screen. You may view your alerts right here. If you have any unread voicemail, an icon will appear in the Status section at the top-left of your screen.
- Click the notice for New Voicemail. It appears to be reel-to-reel tape. Your phone will dial the voice mailbox to read or hear your new voicemail.
Checking on Android in the second section
- Unlock your phone. To choose the green app sign, a white phone receiver is used.
- From the menu, select Keyboard or Dialpad. It’s in the same row of tabs as Recents and Contacts at the bottom of your screen. Continue to press. This key could also feature a check voicemail icon (which looks like cassette tape eyes).
- Enter your passcode or PIN. When you registered your account, you were prompted to provide a PIN to prevent others from listening to your voicemail.
- 4. If you can’t recall your code, contact your cell phone provider (such as AT&T or Verizon). They may be able to reset it for you and assist you with any other issues you are experiencing over the phone. By completing a web search for your specific supplier, you should be able to get a customer support phone number.
- 5. Keep a watchful eye on your voicemail.
You will be able to hear your messages once you have correctly entered your PIN. When determining what to do with a message, you often have a menu of alternatives to choose from, however each menu varies by carrier.
When you’re finished, end the call. To hang up and end the call, simply click the red “End Call” icon. I’m checking on Android in Section 3 of 9. (Visual check Voicemail)
Start the phone app
If your mobile phone service supports visual check voicemail, you can view a list of your voicemails and listen to them one at a time. To begin, tap the green app symbol that looks like a white phone receiver at the bottom of the screen.
- AT&T (depending on your bundle), Cellcom, Coriolis, Google Fi, O2, Orange, and T-Mobile all offer visual check voicemail.
- Choose the voicemail icon.
- On the Keypad tab, it’s to the left of the “Start Call” symbol (which looks like a telephone receiver).
- To listen to a voicemail message, tap on it.
- Fourth of nine: Checking with an iPhone (From Notifications)
- Navigate to the Notification Center. Swipe up if you’re on the Lock Screen. Swipe down from the top centre of any other screen if Control Center appears instead. [2]
- To hear it, tap the check voicemail notice. The Phone app will launch, and you will be able to listen to your new voicemail.
- Fifth and final of nine: Using an iPhone to check (Visual Voicemail)

Start the phone app
A white phone receiver is shown in the centre of the green square app emblem. If your carrier supports visual voicemail, you can browse and listen to your voicemail messages as a list.
- If you have Siri installed, you can also instruct it to “Play the voicemail from Jane Doe.”
- Select the voicemail tab.
- It is located in the bottom-right corner of the Phone app, among the Keypad, Contacts, and Recents.
- Select the check voicemail you want to hear.
- If voicemail transcription is available, the message will be transcribed.
- To listen to the voicemail message, use the Play button.
- The Play button resembles an upside-down triangle.
Once you’ve finished listening to the message, tap the garbage can to remove it. Make sure you’re okay with deleting the check voicemail because there’s no going back.
If you’re lucky, you’ll come across a section labelled “Deleted Texts” where you can choose “Undelete” for any messages you don’t want to lose. However, many countries and areas permanently destroy texts, which are difficult to recover. To make another call to that number, tap the blue circle with the phone receiver
Examining the sixth of nine sections with an iPhone (Calling)
- Unlock your phone.
- To choose the green app sign, a white phone receiver is used.
- Select Keyboard from the drop-down menu.
- It’s in the same row of tabs as Recents and Contacts at the bottom of your screen.
- Continue to press
- This key could also feature a voicemail icon (which looks like cassette tape eyes).
- Enter your passcode or PIN.
When you registered your account, you were prompted to provide a PIN to prevent others from listening to your voicemail.
If you can’t remember your passcode, contact your cell phone carrier (such as AT&T or Verizon). They may be able to reset it for you and assist you with any other issues you are experiencing over the phone. By completing a web search for your specific supplier, you should be able to get a customer support phone number.
Take note of the messages on your voicemail

You will be able to hear your messages once you have correctly entered your PIN. When determining what to do with a message, you often have a menu of alternatives to choose from, however each menu varies by carrier.
- When you’re finished, end the call.
- To hang up and end the call, simply click the red “End Call” icon.Section 7 of 9: Checking Voicemail on a Different Phone
- From any phone, dial your phone number.
- If you can’t remember, you may need to search it up. By default, many phones record your phone number in the contacts as “Me.”
- You can also search up your phone number on an iPhone by navigating to the Settings app and selecting Phone.
- Navigate to Settings > About Phone on Android. “Phone number” will be followed by your phone number in this case.
While you’re away from your phone, you can listen to voicemails on a landline phone. When you hear your voicemail’s welcome, press #.
This informs the voicemail service that you would want to listen to your voicemail rather than leave a message. When prompted, enter your passcode or pin. Voicemail is locked for privacy reasons, but you should know the code. You should be able to access your voicemail after verifying your identity.
If you can’t recall your code, contact your cell phone provider. They may be able to reset it for you and assist you with any other issues you are experiencing over the phone. By completing a web search for your specific supplier, you should be able to get a customer support phone number.
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