Starting a new job is an exciting but nerve-wracking moment. You’ll be the new kid on the block, you won’t know anyone, and even if you are confident in your ability to do the job, it’s likely there will be a learning curve. No matter what job you are about to start, read on for some useful tips to make sure that the first day is not too stressful.
Plan for the Commute
Never leave the logistics of your commute until the morning you need to be there at your desk for the first time. This is not the moment to discover the train you planned to catch doesn’t run that day, or the route you thought was quick is a major bottleneck.
Do a dry run before the big day to check how long the journey takes and whether your means of transport is doable. If you need to use public parking, verify there are parking options nearby that won’t involve being ticketed.
Check First Day Details with HR
Speak to your HR department or manager to find out details such as what time you’re expected to be there, where you report to, and other key information. Don’t assume anything – things change and the last thing anyone needs on day one of a new job is to belatedly discover they were supposed to attend an onboarding meeting with their new boss one hour ago.
Find out also whether you need to collect any IT equipment before your first day, such as a company phone and laptop. Some companies might expect you to do this so you can hit the ground running on your first day.
Have Your Outfit Ready
Hopefully, you’ll have been told about the company dress code before you arrive on the first day. This avoids you showing up in a suit when everyone else is wearing jeans and a tee. Or vice-versa.
Get your first day outfit ready so you are good to go that first day. Lay everything out the night before to make it all less stressful. If a shirt needs ironing, do that in good time. Have a spare ready in case you spill coffee down the first time.
Need some confidence? Now is a good time to invest in new outfits and accessories, so you feel like a million dollars when you walk into your new place of work. Splash out on a smart power suit, splurge on a pair of gorgeous designer shoes, and buy that awesome picnic bag tote you have been coveting for months. You’ll look and feel great on the day.
Try not to let stress get the better of you. You’re the one the company offered the job, so they clearly think you can meet their expectations. And even if there is a learning curve, that’s OK because you’ll be allowed time to get to grips with the role.
Put your best foot forward and look forward to the challenges ahead. You got this!
Also read: How To Build A Strong Team As a Tech Entrepreneur