The microclimate in the room and, consequently, human productivity during work or comfort during rest depends largely on the high-quality cooling of the air conditioner (AC). Therefore, it is the most important function of any air conditioner. Unfortunately, there are many factors that reduce the quality of air conditioning cooling.
They often cause the equipment to stop cooling the air. In this case, the meaning of the air conditioner is lost. What to do in such a case?

Does the AC really not cool?
Before troubleshooting an air conditioner, check for any external factors that may make the equipment not seem to be cooling.
This may be due to one of the following reasons:
- Air conditioning time. The equipment does not start to cool immediately after start-up – you need to wait 10-20 minutes depending on the model, room size, air temperature and equipment capacity.
- The ratio of air conditioning power to the parameters of the room. Unproductive air conditioning can not quickly cool a large room, especially in very hot weather. When choosing AC, choose a model with a power reserve that would overcome peak loads.
- Blocking the free movement of air. Curtains and blinds, dimensional furniture and all sorts of partitions interfere with the normal circulation of air and its cooling.
- A split system cools the air worse if the room is leaky. This is facilitated by open windows and doors, working supply and exhaust ventilation. This is one of the main external factors that reduce the cooling capacity of the air conditioner.
- Select the correct mode. As funny as it may seem, very often there are cases of calling a master who encounters serviceable equipment, but the operating mode is incorrectly selecting Fan instead of Сool.
Also read: 6 Tips To Choose The Best Air Conditioner Repair Service
How to make sure that the air conditioner is working properly?
If all the above reasons that disrupt air cooling are eliminated, but the room does not get cooler, then the reason lies in the malfunction of the air conditioner. For diagnostics, the temperature at the inlet to the air conditioner and at the outlet is measured. The inlet temperature is measured near the air intake.
To do this, put the thermometer on the body or hold it in your hand near the air grilles. The outlet temperature is measured in the air stream coming out of the air conditioner. You can also push the thermometer a little deeper through the blinds. Care must be taken to ensure that the fan blades do not touch or break the thermometer.
Typically for air conditioners, this temperature difference is 10-20 degrees Celsius. However, this depends on the manufacturer. If this value is lower, we have an obvious problem with the air conditioner. Just make sure the air conditioner is set to maximum cooling and the fans are set to maximum performance. In this case, the temperature in the room should not be within 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Why the air conditioner does not cool: filters are dirty
The first reason is the banalest, it is also the most common – filter contamination. You can handle this on your own: open the lid of the indoor unit, pull out two mesh rectangles covered with a layer of dust (these are the filters) and rinse them with cool water. Then dry and put back in place.
Heat exchanger dirty
Another reason why the AC does not cool may be the contamination of the outdoor heat exchanger. Leaves and other small impurities can clog the heat exchanger from the outside. This extremely affects the cooling performance. Clean with a high-pressure washer. For safety reasons, call the service department.
Dirty or damaged fan
In split air conditioners, fans are installed on the outdoor and indoor units. Fans can become dirty, interfere with their normal operation, or wear out.
Can break:
- Starting capacitor;
- Interblock connection (on the external block);
- Motor;
- Control fee.
Eliminating any of these breakdowns requires disassembling the entire unit, so it is preferable to immediately call a technician.
Sensor failure
The design of the air conditioner provides temperature sensors and pressure sensors. Both are needed to control the operation of the system.
In particular, giving commands to stop cooling when the desired temperature is reached. If at least one sensor is not working, then protection is triggered and the electronics give the command to turn off the cooling.
This is the case when you need to call a specialist. He has special tools and will be able to quickly determine what exactly is not working correctly.
There is no coolant in the system
As a result of the leak, a shortage of freon was formed. When properly installed by professionals, this is a very rare cause. Out of ten calls for repairs, there is only one refueling.
What can you do yourself if the air conditioner does not cool
The first thing to do is check the settings on the remote control. Make sure that you have not made a mistake with the mode of operation and have chosen the right one.
Use the “MODE” button to select the “COOL” mode and set the temperature below room temperature. Increase the fan speed by pressing the FAN button several times. Make sure that the outdoor unit that is located outside is in good condition. A few minutes after turning it on, you should hear it start up.
Second, clean the filters. The filter is washed in warm running water. If after the above operations the air conditioner blows warm air, then you can call the repairman. It is better not to delay with this, as prolonged operation of the air conditioner with this can damage it.
As we were able to see, sometimes it just seems that the air conditioner does not cool enough. This may be a subjective opinion. To get started, simply remove air obstructions, close doors and windows, and select the correct mode. If after that the temperature difference between the incoming and outgoing air is less than 7 degrees, you should contact a suitable service nearby.
Also read: Maintaining AC for Your Home: Pro Tips