We’ve all seen it before. A shiny blue checkmark next to a profile or a page on Facebook. Whether it’s next to a celebrity name or a local business – the blue badge certainly improves a profile’s credibility in the eye of the audience. Getting verified on Facebook, though, is easier than you may think. Sure, you may not get results from self-serve applications, but there are plenty of social media boutiques that provide a guaranteed Facebook Verification Service for both individuals and businesses.
Here is the deal – due to the nature of their work, social media agencies have a better, clearer understanding of how things work with social media platforms. So whether you’re looking to get your hand on an inactive social media handle or you want your page verified – having an experienced agency can make everything a breeze.
So – why should you get verified on Facebook? What good does it do for your brand or business? Is it worth the investment to hire an agency to have your Facebook verified? Let’s explore some of the benefits of getting that shiny blue badge next to your name on Facebook.
Here is our take on five reasons why you should get verified on Facebook

1. Increased Notability and Credibility
A verified checkmark sends a message to your audience that you are trustworthy. Here is the thing – anyone can publish a website, blog, or social media profile on the internet. How do you know who to trust and who not to trust? Everyone on the internet always has their guard up. Is this page that they are on trustable? Is this company legitimate? Is this company going to deliver the products as they promised? How do you differentiate the wheat from the chaff?
You guessed it! One of the quickest ways to let people know that you are trustworthy and credible is by having your socials verified. Nothing tells people more quickly that you are a legitimate entity, like a shiny blue badge next to your name.
2. Improved Search Rankings
There are over a billion users on Facebook. Every second, millions of searches are made on Facebook. A verified checkmark means your ranking will automatically improve when people look for you. Are there pages that are named similar to you? Not to worry! Being verified would automatically bump you to the top of the search list.
If more people can find you and land on your page, that will automatically lead to more sales, inquiries, and business! And this benefit alone is one of the reasons many companies opt for a Facebook Verification Service.
3. BetterConversions
Not only is your page going to be easier to find, but people will also convert better. People are more likely to follow a verified page vs. one that is not verified. A blue badge immediately signals to the audience that this page is notable and credible. And this, in turn, results in more followers for you! In other words, a blue badge increases your social proof and social authority. Imagine this, would you rather sit at a restaurant where no one is? Or would you instead go to a restaurant that has lots of people having fun?
Our human brain is wired to assume that a place with more people is more likely to be better.Similarly, a person is more likely to follow a profile that has 100k followers vs. one that has 100 followers. And same, as you guessed it, applies to the verified badge. It dramatically boosts your conversion rates.
4. Early Access to Beta Facebook Features
Did you know that verified accounts have early access to new and upcoming features on Facebook? Anytime Facebook is working on a new feature, they first release a beta version of it to their verified users. Yep! Remember when Instagram introduced swipe-up story links back in the day? That feature was first introduced to verified accounts and later to the public. Neat, isn’t it?
5. Increased Chances at Instagram Verification
Did you know that having a verified Facebook page dramatically increases your chances at getting your Instagram account verified? If you have your eyes set on Instagram verification, one of the best investments you can make is first to get your Facebook page verified. A few notable media publications along with a verified Facebook page is the best way to get your Instagram account verified.
Steps to Apply for Facebook Verification
1. First, ensure that your Facebook page or profile is complete. Meaning, fill out your bio, have a proper name that represents a real person or a registered business entity, add a display photo and a cover photo.
2. Next, ensure that you have at least five full-featured articles about you on notable and reliable news websites. If you don’t have this already, you can hire a social media agency to get this done for you. Experienced agencies know exactly what type of PR works for Facebook verification and what kind doesn’t.
3. Finally, navigate to the Facebook settings and click on ‘Request Verification Badge.’ This will then take you to the Facebook verification form that you can fill out. You’ll also be requested to attach identification proof – whether it’s your government ID or your business trademark, attach an identification document that is clear and valid. When you have the form filled out, simply submit your application, and wait for the decision by the Facebook verification team.
In a case where you have applied via the in-app submission and haven’t had any success, you can always hire an experienced social media agency to buy Facebook followers. A well-established social agency will have the ability to internally raise a request for verification with their contact at Facebook. This will, in turn, get your application a human review and higher chances at verification. When we talk about Facebook Verification Services, this is what it entails.
Agencies prepare your profile, do all the PR necessary and internally raise a request to get your page verified. The majority of the pages that are verified, are verified this way. But – always try to first apply via self-submission to see if it works or not. You never know.
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