Returning to work after the Christmas and new year periods can sometimes feel a little grueling. After a much-needed break and a little overindulgence in food and rest, the first few weeks of work in a brand new year can feel a little disorganized at times. With remote working and difficult commutes for those unable to work from home, 2022 will be an exciting but challenging time for both businesses and employees alike. To make sure your employees stay organized and focused over the course of the next twelve months,
Here are 5 tips and ideas to keep organization at the top of your 2022 goals list!
Branded Calendars
One of the most effective ways of staying organized and personalized, branded calendars are a surefire way to note memorable dates and stay one step ahead of your workload.
A personalized calendar that’s pinned up at your desk means you’re never going to forget that upcoming deadline or important meeting. While emails are certainly efficient, they can sometimes get lost in a sea of spam and unnecessary inbox hassle.
A branded calendar is directly in front of you at all times as a constant reminder to stay organized in the year ahead.
Minimal Clutter Means Maximum Organization
We’re all a little bit guilty of having too much clutter in our workspaces. Old notes, random coffee cups, and a host of other junk can quickly pile up over the course of a busy work week.
Stay on top of this daily to reduce the risk of important work falling by the wayside. Be sure to have a quick tidy and desk check before you leave. Remove what’s no longer needed to keep the focus on what is needed.
Lists! Lists! Lists!
One of the most timeless and reliable ways of staying organized is by making a list of tasks for the day in order of importance. Be sure to tick each one off as you go! Not only does this help your organization and efficiency, but it also gives you a better insight into your workload and the time you’ve spent on each task.
Communication is Key
Not everything needs to be done via email. Speak with people when necessary, especially if you need some clarification on a task. A few minutes of extra communication can save hours of disorganized confusion down the line.
Be sure to tell other parties involved in tasks on their progress and expected finish times. Ask questions and verbally confirm outcomes and times of projects, not just online.
Doing so will solidify these times in your head and keep you focused!
Delegate When Necessary
Make sure that more senior employees have the freedom to delegate some of the smaller-scale tasks to others within your workforce. Not only does this show trust and empower them to take control of projects, but it also means there’s greater accountability and organization.
After all, three team members who are aware of a deadline need to work together and make sure it’s completed well and on time!
Also read: Reasons to Use Accounting and Billing Software for Your Firm