Ever since they were invented, the internet and related technologies have been both vilified and worshipped by various people. Some like to point out how much more efficient the transfer of information is now, while others complain that modern technologies have a negative impact on the way we connect with each other. One person says that our current way of life is made possible by the internet and various devices, while another says that they’re ruining our eyes, sleep patterns, and posture.
There’s plenty to be said on both sides of the argument, but the fact is, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Consider random cam chat, for instance. If you’re using a site like Camgo, you aren’t just getting some quick and easy entertainment while chatting with strangers; you could also be building your social confidence. The dangers of talking with people on the internet have been discussed by plenty of people – what about the benefits? As it happens, there are quite a few that are worth mentioning.
1. Reducing social anxiety

If you avoid interacting with people because you think you’ll sound awkward, make a mistake, or accidentally offend someone, you might be dealing with social anxiety. You have a hard time identifying your strengths, because you’re so busy focusing on your weaknesses.
But guess what? Random video chatting is uniquely suitable for anyone who gets nervous in social settings. This might seem like a pretty bold claim, but random chat sites give you a tool that real life doesn’t: a button that’ll instantly take you to a new chat. This might not sound all that special, but there are all kinds of ramifications for your self-confidence. For one thing, you won’t start a conversation by worrying how it’ll end – you get to control how long it lasts. If you don’t like how a chat is shaping up, you can end it anytime you want.
For another, your anonymity is guaranteed, so there’s no chance of anything you say coming back to bite you. This particular feature can be used for both positive and negative purposes, but in this case, it helps to reduce any pressure you’re already feeling.
2. Giving yourself permission to let your hair down
No matter how much we want to be authentic, we still end up hiding certain parts of ourselves around some people. Whether you avoid talking politics with your relatives just to keep the peace, or you think a friend could react negatively to your love for anime, it’s hard to put it all out there for everyone to see.
If you’re random video chatting, however, it’s a different story. Your chat partners might still think you’re a bit of an oddball – or they could downright disagree with you – but there won’t be any social consequences. Since you’re both anonymous, you can pretty much say whatever you want about yourself; to your chat partner, you’ll simply be one of the many strangers they talked to that particular day. Even if they aren’t into the same things as you, it can still feel good to talk openly about whatever’s on your mind.
3. Getting a conversation going

Sometimes all you need is a little help to start the conversation, and you can take it from there. Unfortunately, working up the courage to do it is a tall order, and maybe it doesn’t happen as often as you wish it would.
That’s the real-life scenario, anyway. When you’re random video chatting, all the other chat users are already prepared to talk to strangers – that’s the whole point! True, not all of your chat partners will want to talk with you, but that’s just how it works; you can’t be compatible with everybody. Besides, you’ll probably skip over plenty of people yourself once you figure out what you prefer in a chat partner.
Another factor that makes the whole process easier? The knowledge that if your current conversation doesn’t work out, there’s another one ready to load at the click of a button. This lowers the stakes considerably; after all, with so many options, why stress over a single interaction?
4. Practicing a new language with native speakers
This doesn’t necessarily have a broad application like the other points discussed here, but for some, it’ll make a huge difference. When you’re learning a second language, one of the best ways to become proficient is to practice with native speakers. Unfortunately, that’s also one of the hardest things to pull off. Unless you already know someone who can help you out, you pretty much have to travel in order to get some real-world experience.
Or do you? Thanks to the international user base of the typical random chat site, it’s not too hard to find native speakers from dozens of different languages. Not only can you have fun meeting new people, but you can get some input on your linguistic skills as well.
5. Admitting that you aren’t the only weird one

It happens all the time: there’s that one person in the friend-group who doesn’t fit in quite as well as the others, and they have this sneaking feeling that they’re the oddball. This self-image is easy enough to maintain if you hang out around the same people all the time, but if you start making some new friends on a random chat site, you’ll quickly realize that there are all kinds of people out there – and a lot of them are pretty weird!
Maybe you’ll find someone to geek out over a Star Trek figurine collection, or you can chat about your love for Type O Negative with some fellow fans. Whatever the case, random video chatting can lend some perspective to your own personal quirks.
If you think that these sound like some pretty great benefits, just wait until you try video chatting for yourself – you’ll probably discover even more. And even if you’re interested in random chatting for the potential benefits, don’t forget to enjoy yourself too!
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