Girls love to search and read about skin tips, hair beauty tips, makeup hacks, and other useful things. They get to know most of the unusual and strange things instead of good ones. The fact is that there ate quite a few tips that actually girls should know, but maybe do know? Try these quick and easy tips and make them part of your regular routine. You will likely wonder how you did not know them already.
1. Never Brush Curls
Brushing curls can actually flatten them. Instead, run your fingers through your hair or use a pick comb.
2. Dry Up Zits
Again, this is a no brainer, but not a single person wants to have zits. Therefore, use toothpaste. Yes, that’s right, use toothpaste. A dab of toothpaste applied to the zit will dry it out in no time. This is another well-kept secret pertaining to skin beauty tips.
3. Beauty Labels May Lie
Ah, we should know this by know. After all, many products use false advertising in some form or another. Nonetheless, it is sometimes hard to remember that beauty products can and often do the same thing.
4. Don’t Avoid Oil Based Products
It would seem that avoiding oil based products is a good idea. However, that is not the case. Because we have a tendency to clean our faces often, the oil is often scrubbed away as well. While that seems like a good thing, over cleaning can have the opposite effect, causing the sebum glands to actually produce more oil. Using products containing oil help avoid the over cleaning effect.
5. Keep Make-Up Tools Clean
We often overlook the cleanliness of our makeup applicators and tools, but that can be a costly. These tools are excellent breeding places for bacteria to hide that cause breakouts, among other potential problems.
6. Remove Nail Polish Even Without Remover
If you do not have any nail polish remover, you can still remove your polish. Simply apply a coat of clear topcoat over your chipped up nail polish and immediately remove it with a cotton ball. This will take the nail polish with it.
7. Make Sure Bronzer Goes on Evenly
There is nothing worse than trying to fake a tan only to have the bronzer go on unevenly. To avoid this mistake, use a Q-tip to mix a drop or two of your bronzer or self-tanning cream with some moisture cream. Then apply to your skin like regular moisturizer.