The average adult in the United States burns around 400-600 calories each hour of hiking. The best part is that you can burn more or fewer calories and check out beautiful views along the way. If you enjoy hiking, you must know which snacks to pack so that you can reach your destination and have the energy to do so. Otherwise, you may pack the wrong foods and feel drained from a sugar crash.
Continue reading to discover some of the best hiking snacks to pack with you on your next exploration trip!
1. Fruit & Veggies

If you are looking for a keto and vegan-friendly snack, fruits and veggies are an excellent choice.
Fruits and vegetables are at the top of this snack list because they offer so many nutrients and are low in calories. If you are going on a long hike and want fruit or veggies that will help hydrate you, watermelon and cucumber should be your go-to! Both of them are made up of water and will replenish you when you start getting tired.
2. Granola

Granola is a mix of oats, nuts, and dried fruits all blended together with tasty spices. This snack is great for hiking because none of the ingredients will go bad and it is a filling option. If you were wanting a snack that was sweeter, you can always add light brown sugar or honey to your granola.
3. Trail Mix
Many experienced hikers recommend packing trail mix for a hike because it can help give you energy and keep blood sugar levels regulated.
Trail mix typically includes dried fruits, nuts, and granola. You can also add chocolate chips and other goodies to the mix, depending on your preferences. Nuts supply the body with protein and healthy fats that can improve cholesterol. This snack is sweet, salty, and loaded with benefits!
4. Nutrition Bars
For more serious hikers, you should always carry nutrition bars with you.
If you are hiking through the mountains, or in remote areas, you always want to prepare for the worst and pack foods that will keep you alive and full. Nutrition, or energy bars, have beneficial calories. This is ideal for when you don’t have food. They give you protein and nutrients that the body requires to properly function.
5. Salad

If you have an ice pack or cooler, you can pack a salad for your next hike. Salads can be made with anything you can imagine. Many people put proteins, fruits, and veggies on top to get nutrients and vitamins. Warm veggie salads and pasta salads are good options if you don’t use any dairy.
6. PB&J
Peanut butter is a great source of protein and can help give you the energy to get over the next hill.
A PB&J on whole grain bread is the perfect hiking treat. It is a filling snack that you can have throughout the day. The sugars in jelly will also give you a boost of energy, just be sure to get healthier options. Otherwise, you may experience a crash from the sugar.
7. Dried Bananas

Bananas are good hiking snacks because they are packed with potassium, which can help keep muscle cramps away. Both fresh and dried bananas can give you these benefits, but the dried option will be easier to pack. Fresh bananas tend to brown quickly and get bruised, banana crisps are perfect for traveling though. You can even put them on your PB&J sandwich!
Explore Longer With These Hiking Snacks
It is easy to lose track of time while you are out hiking in the wilderness. Hiking is a great way to stay in shape, relax, and explore the world. The only thing that you need, besides yourself and nature, are good hiking snacks to keep you going.
Many people recommend packing your bag before a hike with plenty of food, especially if you were to get lost. Snacks like this are easy to pack and can fit into a backpack.
Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about eating healthy and living an active lifestyle!