Years ago, mobile apps were a mere novelty. Today, over 5 million apps on Google Play Store and Apple App Store have made our lives easier and more enjoyable. With the advent of technology, creating your app has become much easier. All you need is knowledge of programming languages to build a successful and feature-rich mobile app. Every programming language has unique features and depending on your needs, you can choose the right one for your app development.
With mobile technology taking center stage in many of our lives today, it’s no wonder mobile app development is more popular than ever before. For mobile developers and mobile developer contractors, it’s essential to know some of the most commonly used programming languages when tackling projects. From Java to Swift,
This article lists 7 of the most popular programming languages used for mobile app development today.
So let’s dive in!
1. Objective-C for iOS App Development
Did you know that the first programming language designed specifically for iOS app development is still being used today? It’s true; Objective-C has commanded the world of Apple app development since its launch in 1984.
Its numerous advantages are its syntax is easy to learn and has been integrated with Apple’s Cocoa library, allowing programmers to create powerful iOS apps easily. Its ability to develop small yet effective software packages on various devices helps bridge the gap between mobile app development and native coding.
And lastly, its wide selection of frameworks and libraries ensures that developers get all the resources they need while creating top-notch applications.
2. Swift for iOS App Development
Mobile app development is an ever-growing industry, so there is no one programming language to rule them all. Different platforms require different languages, and none are more obvious than when developing for Apple’s iOS operating system: Swift reigns supreme.
Swift provides unmatched flexibility for those who hire a remote react developer looking to develop apps specifically designed to take advantage of the latest technologies available. With rapid performance and low code overhead, Swift offers the perfect balance between speed and quality that every mobile app enthusiast looks for in a language they can rely on.
3. C++ for Cross-Platform Development

C++ programming languages are becoming increasingly popular among mobile app developers due to their ability to make cross-platform apps. You can program an Android app with the same code you use for an iOS device, eliminating the need to rewrite and debug your app numerous times.
Plus, C++ makes it easy to distribute your creation worldwide in a snap so that users can get their hands on your hard work much faster. If you’re looking for a go-to language for mobile development that is as reliable as it is versatile, C++ is the way to go.
4. Java for Android App Development
Java has certainly earned its spot as the most popular programming language for Android app development. With its vast library of available tools, expansive community support, and flexibility within its platform, it’s no surprise that many developers turn to Java when creating their apps.
In addition to that, consider what kind of an advantage anyone taking this language will have – Java is a versatile skill set, allowing you to create apps for Android phones and other devices, including laptops and tablets. With so many potential applications to be made from it, it’s clear why more than half the world’s mobile market chose this powerful programming language.
5. Kotlin for Influencing Android App Development
Kotlin has been gaining increasing traction as a popular programming language for mobile app development. With its concise syntax, unique features, and interoperability with Java, it can enable developers to create user-friendly Android apps efficiently and effectively.
Unlike other programming languages, Kotlin offers features such as data classes, null safety, operator overloading, and much more that may give mobile applications an edge regarding performance and security.
The adoption of Kotlin is inspiring developers to have the confidence to think beyond the confines of traditional software development techniques and come up with creative solutions for Android app development.
6. HTML5/CSS3 for Hybrid Mobile Apps
HTML5 and CSS3 have become the go-to languages for hybrid mobile app development, allowing developers to build mobile apps that run across multiple devices with a single codebase.
By wrapping web technologies inside a native application shell, HTML5 and CSS3 provide web and app developers the agility to capitalize on emerging platforms like Android and IOS.
This flexibility, combined with relatively easy learning curves due to their wealth of online resources, makes HTML5 and CSS3 two of the most popular programming languages for mobile app development today.
7. Python for AI and ML-Based Applications
Python is quickly gaining traction as a popular programming language for mobile app development due to its ability to carry out complex tasks with precision. It applies particularly to AI and Machine Learning applications, which can be difficult to build in other coding languages.
Python is simple and easy to understand but has robust syntax, so developers can easily create ML strategies from scratch. Its rich library of pre-built pieces of code also helps developers save time while developing sophisticated apps. In short, Python should be considered by any developer looking to build powerful mobile applications containing AI and ML components.
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