Do you have writing skills and want to earn from that. Then blogging is the best thing from which you can earn $ 1000 and more. If you are searching for a wide niche in which you can cover so many things then Travel is the one. Starting a travel blog is a perfect guide for your audience. The first question comes in mind How to Start A Travel Blog for Beginners?
There are two types of Blog
1. Micro Niche Travel Blog
This blog gives you instant traffic but not good for the long term. In this, you can write about only one place like America
In this, you can write only
- Best places to visit in America
- Best time to visit America
- Best place to eat in America
and more on America.
2. Niche Travel Blog
This niche so broad that you can write as much you want. You can write in Bali, Thailand, India, the Bahamas, and more places. Also in this niche, you can earn 100X money from the MicroBlog.
Start a Travel Blog Successfully.
Before entering in blogging industry be sure don’t quit. If you quit your all efforts and hard work will be gone forever.
One thing kept in mind Travel blogging is an ocean, on some fisherman can catch fish. Others only sit at the beachside and wait for fish.
6 Steps To Start a Travel on WordPress
- Buy Domain
This is the first step of your Blog. So pick the perfect domain which is easy to pronounce and remember. Now the best part is that from where you can but it. There are so many domain registrar online ex. GoDaddy, Namecheap,, and more. So you can choose according to pricing, privacy.
Note: You can also purchase a domain from hosting also. They offer free domain and sometimes it charges less that registrar.
- Buy Hosting
Now the second step. Choosing a good hosting can increase the dollars in your account. Otherwise, bad hosting can make you bankrupt. Choosing to host is like you have played so many games but you choose the only pubG (by the way it got banned). That’s how you have to choose the best one according to your pocket. If you can spend 7000 or more so go for Siteground. If you don’t have this much you can go for A2 hosting, Hostinger, Cloud Hosting.
Note: But don’t buy hosting from GoDaddy, Namecheap. They provide the worst hosting which I have used.
3. Two Platform where you can start Travel Blog
The first one is Blogger, the other one is WordPress. Blogger has so many drawbacks and not user friendly But WordPress has user friendly. You can do anything in that. WordPress is the best platform for beginners. So go for it.
4. How to connect Domain and Hosting
This step is moderate so you have to do it properly otherwise domain & hosting will not work well. So go on your hosting then copy the server name one by one. Go to the registrar, open the DNS setting. Paste it in Server Column. Then go back copy another server name then do the same thing. Now your domain and hosting are connected properly.
Note: This process is not for those who have already buy the hosting with the domain. 2

5. How to Secure your website by using an SSL Certificate
SSL means Secure Sockets Layer. Protect your website from malware, virus, and hacker. In common language, it converts your HTTP website to an HTTPS website. Nowadays people trust on HTTPS website only. If your website is HTTP a pop up will come in that written, you can visit this website at your own risk. That why HTTPS is necessary.
Don’t worry this is free. You only have to Sign up in Cloudflare then Paste your website name. After going back to hosting that you have purchased. Then copy the server name one by one. Now come to the Cloudflare dashboard and click on DNS. Now click on Add record, then Select NS and Paste Server name. Then Save it. Then go back copy another server name and follow the same process with that also.
Now your website is one step away from securing. Now open your domain registrar and go to DNS. Come back to the Cloudflare. Slowly scroll down in the DNS panel, you will find two server name written on it. Copy the server name. Go back to the domain registrar from where you have purchased it. Paste all the server name one by one in DNS.
Now click on the SSL/TLS button where you have to click on FULL.
Now your website is END to END Encrypted.
The other way to secure your website with SSL certificate is to purchase it from direct certificate authority or trusted resellers. However, this type of SSL also plays a major role in website security. Different SSL certificates including single domain SSL, cheap wildcard SSL, multi domain SSL, Code signing certificate. A site holder can choose from dissimilar SSL products as per site’s domains/subdomains.
Note: This method is not for those who have a free SSL certificate that is already given with hosting.
6. How to Set WordPress
Now the most difficult step of your blog. Which theme you have to choose for your blog. There are so many themes available in the store of WordPress. Choose according to yours and download it. If you have the money you can buy a premium one. Download important plugin
- Rank Math SEO
- Sassy Social Share
- Akismet
- Wp Form
- Elementor (Free/ Premium)
7. How to Write a Travel Blog
The best part of the Travel Blog. Writing a post which can increase the traffic on your blog. Let’s begin before someone else rank high on google. First, find the topic and do deep research on it. Then do keyword research.
Now you have the topic. Click on the post on the left side of the WordPress dashboard. Click on Add New. Now here you can write, attach the photo, video, place the keyword, and more.
Let’s start writing.
After writing the article place some keywords, and place the H1 keyword in Rank math and 4 primary keywords also. Then write an attracting title, meta description, permalink.
Now your post is ready.
Hit on the publish button and share it on social media.