Sometimes it might happen that you are not willing to intimate yourself with your partner. It can happen because of many reasons such as your body changes, your unhealthy food habits or maybe your stress due to work. Sexual issues can also ruin your life as well. So, it’s important for you to know what things can bring down your sexual life. Here we have compiled some of the reasons to help you figure out what may be going with your libido.
1. Your life is super hectic and stressful

If your life is very hectic and stressful, it can ruin your sexual life. Stress alters the physiology of your body. Do you know why? When cortisol a.k.a. “the stress hormone,” rises, it triggers a domino effect that results in lower testosterone and lower libido.
2. You love to eat cheese a lot

Testosterone is an important part of sex drive for both men and women. And unfortunately, eating a lot of cheese can lower your levels (only if you eat it more than five times a week). You must be wondering how? It contains an enzyme, aromatase that converts testosterone to estrogens. There are testosterone tests available that can tell you if your testosterone levels are optimal or not.
3. You are not drinking enough water

Yes, dehydration can such your sex life. Why? It can give you severe headaches, fatigue, irritability, and vaginal dryness. Basically, more water during the day means better intimacy at night. So are you up for drinking more water now?
4. You are not getting proper sleep

Do you feel too tired while intimating? If yes, then a lack of sleep may be the reason. Not getting enough rest and proper sleep can diminish your libido as well as lead to depression and weight gain.
5. You are on a strong medication

If you live on strong medication, then there are 100% chances of getting a side effect of making your libido drop. And even if you give it a try, they can cause delayed ejaculation in men and delayed orgasm in women. You can use male enhancement pills.
6. If you or your partner smokes

If you and your partner smoke a lot, then this could be a big problem. It is because smoking predisposes the arteries to develop atherosclerosis and decrease the rate of penile and vaginal blood flow. Even it can make your testosterone level go down.
7. Your BMI is very high

Research has shown that obese men struggle with erectile dysfunction and it’s the same for women too. Being heavier than your ideal weight can lower down your energy and keep you from getting into the mood.
8. If the desserts are a part of date night

Aww! Bad news for you and sweetie. Studies have shown that after a blood-sugar spike, testosterone levels plunge 25% in some cases. “Sugar, as well as carbs and dairy, can negatively interfere with sex hormones. Additionally, if you eat poorly, you will suffer from a negative self-image and lack of energy, both inside and outside the bedroom.
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Above images source: Pexels