Waking up next to your loved ones is a feeling that can’t be expressed in words. You can just feel that. Even if you hate to wake up in the morning, you will just love doing this beautiful thing with your guy. It will make the day of your loved one a memorable one. Yes, believe me. If you already know the tricks to do that, then it’s great. If you don’t know then you can just read through what is presented here and get to know how you can spice up your guy’s morning while waking him up.
1. Cuddle and stroke his chest

While sleeping, couples tend to move away from each other. What you have to do in the morning is to snuggle him when you wake up and lightly run your fingers all over his chest.
2. Kiss his neck

We all know the neck is one of the sensitive areas in our body and that’s true for everyone. Use that to your benefit, girl. Try to wake him up with gentle but quick kisses to his neck. See the priceless smile on his face after this.
3. Climb on top of him

Just forget about doing foreplay, if that’s what you are in the mood for. Just climb on top of him and start kissing him all over. He will take lead from there and thank you for it later. You know what I mean *wink*.
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4. Wiggle your behind

How about wiggling? You just have to gently wiggle your behind into him. That will wake him up right away without doing many efforts. Your bottom will surely turn the heat up too!
5. Text him a sweet message

You can also text him something sweet, cute or naughty in the morning to let him know how much you love and appreciate him. He will wake up with a smile on his face.
6. Play his favourite song

Call him in the morning, if you are away from him, what you can do is play his favourite song. I bet after hearing this, he will be falling in more and more love with you.
7. Play the ear game

Scoot over close to him and whisper slowly ‘I Love You’ in his ear and then gently nibble his ear. This will put a smile on his face and then he will work extra hard to put a smile on your face.
8. Shower together

How about taking the naughty shower together? Doing this thing will spice his day for sure. After this, he will surely end up smiling while working all day long.
9. Tickle him

Men are also ticklish as women are. In fact, they sometimes actually like being tickled too when done in a funny way. So, what are you waiting for? Gently tickle him and make his morning a happy and beautiful one.
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