At first, subtracting fractions could seem a little complex, but with some fundamental multiplication and division, you’ll be prepared for simple subtraction. If the fractions are proper, before subtracting the numerators, make sure the denominators are the same. Make improper fractions out of mixed fractions if you have whole numbers and mixed fractions. Additionally, before subtracting the numerators, you must ensure that the denominators are the same.
Finding The Least Common Multiple and Subtracting
- If Necessary, List Multiples of Denominators
If your fractions’ denominators aren’t the same, you’ll need to change them. Create a list of each denominator’s multiples to help you identify a number that both denominators contain. If you’re doing 1/4 – 1/5, for instance, list all the multiples of 4 and 5 to get at 20.
- To Obtain Like Denominators, Multiply Both The Numerator and The Denominator
When you’ve identified the unlike fractions’ lowest common multiple, multiply the fraction so that the denominator also becomes the lowest common multiple.

- To get a denominator of 20, for instance, multiply 1/4 by 5. Additionally, you must multiply the numerator by 5, making 1/4 become 5/20.
- Equivalent Fractions should be Created for Each Fraction in The Equation
Remember that if you change one of the fractions in the problem, you must also change the other fractions to make them all equal.
- Subtract The Numerators While Maintaining The Same Denominator
Subtract the numerators if you made equal fractions with the same denominator or if your starting denominator was the same. Write the answer, and then directly beneath it, the denominator.
- Simplify Your Answer
Once you have your solution, see if you can make it simpler. Divide each number by the greatest common factor that the numerator and denominator contain. The greatest common factor, for instance, is 8 if your answer was 24/32. To get 3/4, divide both figures by 8.
- You might not be able to make it simpler depending on your answers. One cannot further reduce 1/20, for instance.
Subtracting Mixed Numbers

- Change The Mixed Numbers into Improper Fractions
Fractions and whole numbers are known as mixed numbers. Change all of the whole numbers into fractions to make subtracting them simpler. Because of this, the numerator will be greater than the denominator.
- If Necessary, Try to Find Denominators In Common
To create an equivalent denominator for the fractions, find the lowest common multiple of both denominators. For instance, to find 28 if you’re working with 11/4 – 8/7, list all the multiples of 4 and 7.
- The lowest number that the multiples of 4 and 7 have in common is 28 because the multiples of 4 include the digits 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24, whereas the multiples of 7 include the digits 7, 14, and 21.
- If You Need to Change The Denominators, Make Equivalent Fractions
Make sure that the denominators are the lowest common multiple. Multiply the whole fraction to do this.
- As an illustration, multiply 11/4 by 7 to make 28 as the denominator. This will change the fraction to 77/28.
- To Make All The Fractions In The Problem Equal, Make The Necessary Adjustments
If one of the fractions in your problem has had its denominator modified, you must modify the remaining fractions such that their ratios remain the same as the original problem.
- Subtract The Numerators While Maintaining The Same Denominator
The denominators can now be subtracted if they were equal to begin with or if you created similar fractions. Over the denominator, write the solution. The denominator should not be subtracted.
- Simplify The Answer
Most likely, you’ll need to convert the answer to a mixed number. To get a whole number, begin by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Then specify the number of remaining pieces. This number will serve as the numerator. Put the numerator on top of the denominator. If you can, reduce this fraction.
For instance, 45/28 will become 1 17/28 as 28 goes into 45 1 time and has 17 parts of 28 left over.
Wrapping Up
Are you going to appear in your test and the topic of how to subtract fractions isn’t very clear to you? Then, you are at the right place. In this article, we discussed the complete topic and showed how to subtract fractions. So, give this post the appropriate information.
Also read: What are Different Ways to Divide Fractions