Homeschooling is a great way for children to learn about their interests and explore their areas of interest, passions, and hobbies. So we’re curious- which do you think is better for homeschooling: podcasts or books? Even though books are important for all of us, podcasts are viewed as game changers.
Podcasts are a great way to introduce new concepts and learn about current events. Research has shown that 80 percent of kids listen to homeschooling podcasts more than once. And 75 percent of them engage in discussions after listening to them. This suggests that some kids might learn better by listening to audio materials than by reading, which is why they should be exposed to podcasts while young. Listening to podcasts can help them slow down and pay attention to what they are hearing.
1. Podcasts help students move freely, unlike books
One critical advantage of podcasts over books is that students can learn via podcasts while moving freely around the house. Furthermore, they can even do chores around the house while learning because they do not confine themselves to one book or page. This way, they don’t have to stop doing what they’re doing to continue their schoolwork or other activities.
2. Podcasts help listeners understand better than reading books alone
In some situations, podcasts can help listeners understand topics better than reading books alone by delivering more information smoothly. Furthermore, they can listen to presentations while driving as opposed to reading.
For example, if you are driving on the highway, you should not read a book to focus on the traffic and drive properly. With podcasts, you can turn on your car’s ignition, and you and the little ones can learn while driving.
3. Podcasts help learners make discoveries

Podcasts for kids and parents can help learners make interesting discoveries by giving them a place to explore. For example, they can check some of the best stories on the internet, watch science videos, or learn about new topics. They can even listen to educational podcasts that address different subjects aligned with their passions, interests, and hobbies. In addition to this, they can choose their areas of interest.
4. Podcasts are cheaper and easy to use than books
Podcasts are cheaper than books because you only need your phone and internet connection to use them. You don’t have to buy books or spend much money on subscriptions. You can find thousands of free episodes on YouTube, iTunes, and SoundCloud. They are also easy to use because you can upload and find them in seconds without going outside your home. Furthermore, you can use a podcast app if you want to listen to history podcasts for homeschooling.
5. Podcasts for homeschooling include sound effects that keep students engaged with the material
Podcasts for kids and parents can include sound effects that keep students engaged with it. Sound effects offer immersion in a story or debate, and young learners tend to listen more to sounds than to audiobooks alone, although modern ones also come with special sounds. It also lets them feel like they’re listening to a story or educational program opposing reading a book alone.
Additionally, a podcast for homeschooling can include details that spark their interest, such as a podcast about the invention of electricity or NASA’s podcasts about space exploration.
6. Homeschooling podcasts can help learners recall information more easily.
Podcasts can help learners recall information more easily by delivering the most important topic in the first few minutes. It is because it allows listeners to listen to the most important element of the podcast at first, so they don’t have any doubts about remembering it. In addition, podcast episodes can also be categorized according to the topic they cover so people can easily find them.
7. Homeschooling podcasts are the right choice for people who want to learn more about a particular topic
A podcast for kids and parents is the right choice for the young ones who want to learn more about a particular topic. For example, you’re not only learning about how electricity was invented but also how you can use it in our everyday lives, making it more interesting.
Podcasts allow students to move freely, take necessary breaks, and multitask with other activities. They can also listen to them any time of the day, wherever they may be. Books might be more appropriate for those who prefer deep reading and reflection.