Attack on Titan is a Japanese animated series that is inspired by the manga by Hajime Isayama named ‘Attack On Titan.’ It is one of the most popular animated series of all time. Now, after releasing the three seasons, fans are expecting its fourth season which will be releasing soon in October 2020. This story revolves around the adventures of Eren Yeager, his friend Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert. They decided to take matters into their own hands, so they joined an elite group of soldiers who fights the Titan, called the Scout Regiment. The story has been set in a world where humans live in a city that is surrounded by giant walls to protect them from the Titans, who are these giants who devour humans without any reason whatsoever.
Now, it’s been a year since the release of season 3, which was proclaimed as one of the best seasons of this anime so far. You must be curious to know about the release of its fourth season right? Check here everything like its release date, storyline, plot, number of episodes in the upcoming season, renewal status, and its plot.
Attack On Titan Season 4 Renewal Status
There is some good news for all the anime watchers, it is officially renewed for the fourth season by the officials. Sadly, the supporters will have to say goodbye to the series, as the fourth season will be the last and final season.
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Attack on Titan Season 4 Release Date
The fourth and the final season of Attack On Titan will release this year. It was confirmed by the official Twitter account of the anime. Fans were worried if it will get delayed due to some reason, but it’s not like that. The fourth season will release in Japan on the NHK General TV in October 2020.
How many episodes are expected in season 4?
Until now, Attack on Titan had premiered an unexpected number of episodes in each season. There were 25 episodes in season 1, 12 in season 2, and a total of 22 episodes in the previous season, which were divided into installments of 12 and 10. Therefore, fans could expect a similar number of episodes in the upcoming season. However, these speculations have not been confirmed yet. So, fans will have to wait for its official update.
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Overview of Plot
The storyline for season 4 is not yet disclosed. But if you have watched all its previous seasons, then you may have a fair idea of its season 4. Well, it is presumed that season 4 will be the last and final season, so probably in this season, they will give the three friends a proper ending, which will satisfy the fans.