Do you ever wonder why we are so obsessed with video games?” Yes, I’m curious about that. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Let’s break it down and look at why we enjoy video games so much and why they’re more than simply “fun games” to us.
I believe that one of the main reasons we enjoy video games so much is that they provide an escape from our sometimes boring and mundane existence. It’s sometimes good to slip into the shoes of a fictional character and forget about our problems. I know that after a long day, I come home and put on a headset and play a decent game; my favourites are action-adventure games because I get drawn into the game’s universe and forget about everything else.
Another reason I feel we enjoy video games is that they provide us with a sense of achievement. It’s difficult to compete with the thrill you receive when you finish a solid game. It makes you feel significant, as if you’ve accomplished something worthwhile. That’s why we keep playing games that make us yell and lose our cool. I know that when I win a difficult game, especially as a woman, I feel like I’ve accomplished something that many others believed I’d never be able to accomplish. Unfortunately, some people still believe that girls are incapable of playing video games, but that’s a topic for another blog post.
Today we’ll talk about a similar type of game that makes us feel like we’ve accomplished something unique, and that game’s name is The Journey To The Savage Planet.
The game “Journey to the Savage Planet” is not easy. Underneath its bright, goofy appearance is a title chock-full of collectibles, secrets, scientific experiments, and riddles that you’ll struggle to accomplish but adore finding. Journey to the Savage Planet is a game in which you are thrown in an unknown location with no equipment or map. Your mission now is to explore your new environment and become more aware of your surroundings. You’re on your own, scrounging up whatever supplies you can for your own survival and the objective at hand.
Explore and annihilate
The game expects you to spend time researching and investigating all of the twisted lifeforms and decaying flora you encounter along the route. After landing and overcoming any intriguing elements in this strange planet, you will be granted a standard rifle with which to kill monsters. You explore the planet’s vibrant surface, learning about the unique flora and wildlife while collecting resources by shooting and slapping creatures to death. Back on Earth, your employer keeps an eye on your results and adjusts your mission accordingly.
Plenty to keep you entertained
Throughout the voyage, you develop yourself from helpless puffer bird slapper to frightening resource harvester by using rock formations, plants, and the intestines of local creatures. Exploration and navigation are easy and familiar, and you’ll be leaping, running, and climbing across the planet’s surface from thing to object in no time. You’ll also find riddles, surprises, and extra resources if you go off the beaten route a little.
You won’t be able to reach them all right away, but each section is so packed with optional challenges that you’ll rarely feel safe following the obvious primary path.
Curiosity to play more
Another issue is that the game ends far too quickly. At the end, you’ll wish you had more time to hunt down and explore more bizarre beasts, tower-sized boss monsters, and gravity-defying vistas. This game, on the other hand, is designed for folks who have jobs. It’s designed to be done in a short amount of time with a realistic level of difficulty, and it doesn’t want you to rush through it.
Regardless of how hard you try to stay alive during the game, you will die at some point. In the other games, this would entail restarting from the current checkpoint or seeing a “Game Over” screen, but thanks to Journey to the Savage Planet’s whimsical nature, death does not finish your adventure.
On, you may play this really addictive game. In comparison to other sites, this is the finest place to buy games. is offering a significant discount on The Journey To The Savage Planet.
Also read: How to Get Better at Video Games: The Key Tips to Know