Your Word document might be a single sentence or a lengthy article. There may be tight guidelines for the length of projects, articles, essays, or journals used by many organizations and institutions. The total word count of your document may be easily found.
Using the different built-in tools available in word, it is relatively simple to obtain an accurate word count. The word count often appears in the text’s lower-left corner as you type. They may even ask you how many words are in the assignment or document you submit.
Let’s examine the process of word counting in a Microsoft Word document. This article explains how to check the word count on Google Docs, another word-processing program. It is becoming increasingly popular.
Character Count in Word
It’s crucial to be able to track your progress while trying to write a Word document with a specified word count in mind. The word count in your Word document can be found very easily. As you can see, pay attention to the status indicator in your Word document’s lower left corner.

This is often a quick method to see your word count increase as you finish your assignment. You might not be able to view the word count of your paper in the bottom left corner of the document in some Word versions. You may use your cursor to choose the review tab from the Word document’s toolbar.
A pop-up dialog box that displays the number of words and characters in your document will appear. Word functions similarly on PCs and Macs, but if you move operating systems, you might need to get used to a small variation.
Google Docs
Working on a project in Google Docs rather than Microsoft Word might sometimes be simpler. Although the two applications have many similarities, several dropdown menu options differ.
In a Google doc, go to the tools menu item and choose word count from the dropdown menu to see how many words are in your document overall. A pop-up window displaying the total number of words in your document appears when selecting the Word count option.
Additionally, you’ll see that Google Docs provides a useful option to check your document’s word count as you work. It chooses to observe your word count continually while you work, much like you would in the bottom-left corner of a Word page. You may monitor how long you write until you reach your target document length.
How to Calculate The Characters in a Word Document’s Selected Text
The number of characters in a document’s chosen text can also determine. To achieve this, please choose the text whose character count you wish to know. Then click on the word count in the document’s lower-left corner.

The number of characters and other pertinent details of the chosen text will be shown on your screen. Similarly, you may access the menu bar’s review option by selecting the text you want to know the character count for and then clicking on it. The number of characters and other pertinent details for the selected text will appear on your screen.
Using Google Docs’ Live Word Count
Viewing a current word count in any document using Google Docs is simple. You may see how many words are in the entire Google Docs document or just a particular section.
In this post, we’ll cover several methods for checking the current word count in Google Docs, including a few add-on applications for Google Docs. This has live word counters and other websites you may use to verify your documents’ word counts.
Activate Google Docs’ Live Word Count Feature
The Google Workspace team, as you might expect, produced a built-in word count tool that you can use for any Google Doc on your Google Drive.
Choose Tools > Word count from the menu above the toolbar at the top of the page if you’re using Google Docs in a browser. A pop-up window containing details about the document’s pages, words, characters, and characters will appear.
Choose page count or character count from the dropdown menu if that is what you want to display. The word count is shown in the lower-left corner of the screen if the Display word counts while the typing option is checked and ok is clicked. As you type, the word count is live and continually updating.
For Google Docs, Use Word Counter Max.

Word Counter Max for Google Docs is an add-on that offers several functions that the word counter included in Google Docs does not. For instance, WC Max shows your progress when you choose a total word goal.
You can enhance your workflow to complete more tasks faster by being able to examine data like that. If you have a writing project with a word restriction and want to know how near you are to finishing, that might be helpful. If you get into a good flow, WC Max also has a session word count tool that lets you know how productive you are.
Activate Microsoft Word
Downloading your manuscript as a Microsoft Word document is our final recommendation for checking the word count in your Google Doc. You may examine the word count in word after exporting a Google Doc in the.docx format.
Users of the Microsoft Word Windows desktop program can choose Review > Word Count to see the document’s word count. To open the Word Count box, macOS users should click the word count in the status bar. Additionally, if you’re using Word Online while in Editing mode, you may view the word count of your document in the bar at the bottom of Word Online.
It’s fairly simple to determine the number of words in a Word document. When posting or publishing many online articles and blogs, it is sometimes necessary to define the Word count. The amount of words in academic publications and research articles are frequently another requirement. You should utilize internet tools like the word count function in Microsoft Word.
Also read: Best Ways of How to Convert Pdf to Word